План-конспект урока для 7 класса по УМК “Spotlight 7”План-конспект урока для 7 класса по УМК “Spotlight 7” Module 7B “DVD frenzy! ” Цели урока: 1. Учебная: - в аудировании: развитие умений в аудировании с выбором необходимой информации; - в чтении: развитие умений в поисковом чтении; - в говорении: совершенствование навыков диалогической речи; - в письме: совершенствование навыков письменной речи при написании статьи на тему «Обзор известного фильма», используя настоящее и прошедшее времена. 2. Развивающая: - развитие способности и готовности общаться; - развитие умений в поисковом чтении с извлечением необходимой информации; - развитие навыка компаративного анализа - развитие языковой догадки, внимания, памяти. 3. Воспитательная: - создание условий для формирования правильных привычек в отборе зарубежных и российских фильмов для просмотра; - совершенствование умения работать в парах, слушать друг друга, с уважением относиться к мнению партнера по команде. 4. Социокультурная: - приобретение знаний о реалиях мира, традициях других стран (знакомство с кинематографом зарубежных стран). Ход урока 1. Оргмомент. Hello! How are you? I’m glad to see you! Sit down! Who is absent today? 2. Проверка домашнего задания. Now let’s check your homework. Open your workbooks, please. Let’s remember what we discussed last time. We talked about celebrities and degrees of comparison. How were they connected? We compared famous people.
So how can we compare people and things in English (students tell the rules)?
3. Постановка темы урока. By the way, is there a word in Russian language that is similar to the word “compare? ” The related word is «компаративный». What can be «компаративным»? It can be an analysis. Компаративный анализ - описание и объяснение сходств и различий. And today we are going to compare English tenses: Present Perfect & Past Simple. We will also continue to talk about celebrities. So where can we see them? On the screen? Or may be in a movie? The word «фильм» can be translated in English as “a film”, “a movie”, “a documentary”. Take a look at the screen. How do you think which word has broader meaning? So the topic of our lesson is “ DVD Frenzy! ” Translate the word “frenzy”! Does it remind you of any word? Frenzy – Crazy! DVD Frenzy – being crazy about movies. In Russian it is Киномания. 4. Постановка цели и задач. Do you like English or American movies? Do you watch original or translated movies? Tell me why are we discussing English movies today? It’s because the aim of our lesson is to make you interested in watching original English movies and to learn to discuss them using Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses. To achieve this aim we should achieve the following objectives: · remember titles of English movies and types of films · read and act out a dialogue discussing movies · compare Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses to use them discussing movies 5. Введение новой лексики. Now do the exercise 1 on page 68. Which of these films have you seen? What types of films do you like watching? Match the films to their types. Compare your answers with the answers on the screen.
Have a look at the screen and tell me what types of movies can you see? We can describe and compare films with these new words. Listen and repeat after me, please. 6. Отработка новой лексики. Применение знаний в знакомой ситуации. Чтение. Before we start discussing films, let’s read the reviews to the films by English students. Guess which film is it? Аудирование Now let’s listen to English students who are discussing films. Try to understand them. Guess what are Tony and Adam are searching for?
Let’s check how you understand the dialogue. Say if the sentences on the screen are True or False. Listen again and read. 7. Грамматический анализ диалога. Our aim was to learn to discuss films using Present Perfect and Past Simple. So find the examples of Present Perfect and Past Simple in the dialogue. Let’s compare the tenses. What’s the difference? What’s common?
Copy the table into your notebooks.
8. Развитие навыков использования времён Present Perfect and Past Simple. Read and translate the sentences, put the verbs into the correct tense. Exercise 6, page 69. Read and translate the sentences, fill in an appropriate preposition. 9. Задание на коммуникацию. Развитие навыков говорения. Now imagine that you are choosing a movie to watch. Work with your partner. Make a dialogue similar to thе one on page 68. Here are some useful phrases for you. Reproduce the dialogue. Then try to make the text on the handout readable (for those who finished). 10. Рефлексия. Домашнее задание. Do you know how to discuss films in English now? Have you learnt to use Present Perfect and Past Simple in the dialogue? Do you know the differences between these tenses? So we have achieved our objectives and aim. And how can we use this knowledge? Will you watch original English films and discuss them? I hope so.
Thank you! Goodbye!!!