An explosive start to the New YearСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ An explosive start to the New Year
Starting off Discuss the questions below with a partner.
1. How did you celebrate New Year’s Eve? Which of these were important?
food friends family fireworks music weather traditions
2. What other events can you think of where fireworks are important? Before you read Look at the names of some fireworks. Are any of them the same in your language? If not, can you guess anything about the fireworks from their names?
Banger Jumping Jack Rocket Roman Candle Sparkler First reading Read the text quickly and match the names of the fireworks on page 1 to the correct paragraphs.
Second reading Read the text again and match the fireworks (1-5) with the questions below.
Which firework…
1 doesn’t move. __ 5 __ 2 is better if you pay more for it. ______ 3 moves around on the ground. ______ 4 is held in the hand. ______ 5 sometimes makes a noise. ______ 6 is better on roads than in gardens. ______ 7 doesn’t look nice. ______ 8 can be used by children. ______ 9 has more than one name in English. ______ 10 can have more than one colour. ______ Vocabulary 1 Match the adjectives from the text to the correct meanings.
1 frightening A liked by lots of people 2 pretty B a high temperature 3 popular C costs a lot of money 4 expensive D unsafe 5 simple E not complicated 6 hard F not as good as you thought 7 dangerous G nice looking 8 hot H scary 9 disappointing I noisy 10 loud J not soft Vocabulary 2 a) Work alone. Think of something which each adjective from exercise 4 could describe and write it down.
e. g. dangerous – snowboarding
b) Work with a partner. Tell your partner one of your words but NOT the adjective. See if they can guess which adjective it goes with.