Question # 3. Question #4. Type get-eventlog, then press return.. Notice that geteventlog is asking for a value or a logname. Question #5 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Question # 3 · The Question was: · If I type get-service, then press return. Why does the command run without using any parameters? Type CLS · Type get-help get-service -full. · Now using the syntax, explain why getservice ran without using any parameters. The answer is: · Because all the parameters in parameter set # 2 and 3, all have square brackets around them. · That means that all the parameters are optional and not needed. And that means that get-service will run by itself without any parameters. Question #4 · The question was: Type get-eventlog, then press return. Notice that geteventlog is asking for a value or a logname Press Ctrl-C · Using the syntax, explain why geteventlog requires you to type a value or a logname, while get-service ran without a value or even a parameter · Type get-help get-eventlog -full. Scroll up to the Syntax section.
· Notice that every parameter is surrounded by square brackets. · That means that all the parameters for the command get-eventlog are optional and not needed. · Notice that - logname is surrounded by square brackets but the argument is not. That means that -logname is optional (you don’t have to type -logname) but you have to type a string (which in this case is a text string)
· So that’s why when you type get-eventlog and you press return PowerShell asks you for a value.
· Let’s go ahead and type security (which is one of the Windows log files.
Question #5 · The Question was: · Using help get-eventlog -showwindow. · Take a look at the parameter -instanceID. · Explain why -instanceID should be second in the order of parameters? -InstanceID < int64> is position 1 so it’s second in the lineup of parameters.
-logname < string> is position 0 so that makes it first in the lineup · So, the thing to remember is that PowerShell starts the lineup of parameters at position 0 Question #6 Let’s scroll down to newest. · The question was: · Why can you place –newest, anywhere, in the order of parameters? - Newest < Int32> The position for -newest is named. · That means you can put it anywhere in the lineup. Thanks for checking out the questions and answers in this section.