For the teachers ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 8 из 8
Read the story and look at the picture. There are 14 mistakes. Rewrite the story and correct the mistakes.
It is summer and it is hot outside. It is night and the sun is shining. There aren’t any stars at the sky. People are going to celebrate Easter tomorrow. Santa Claus has arrived in the living room where the child is sleeping. The girl is sleeping with her teddy bear. They will decorate the Christmas tree with colorful cookies. The Christmas tree is behind the window. At it’s top is an angel. There are lots of presents over the Christmas tree. Santa Claus is wearing his green suit and his brown boots. The lamp on the nightstand is out because the children don’t like to sleep in the dark.
For the teachers It is winter and it is cold outside. It is night and the moon is shining. There are some stars at the sky. People are going to celebrate Christmas tomorrow. Santa Claus has arrived in the bedroom where the children are sleeping. The girlis sleeping with her doll. They have already decorated the Christmas tree with colorful ornaments . The Christmas tree is in front of the window. At it’s top is a star. There are lots of presents under the Christmas tree. Santa Claus is wearing his red suit and his black boots. The lamp on the nightstand is on because the children don’t like to sleep in the dark. .