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Young children want to belong to a community that is safe, beautiful, and good.

Young children want to belong to a community that is safe, beautiful, and good.

In the early childhood class, more important than any curriculum or instruction is a culture of love, warmth, and beauty. Children are keen observers of the environment and adult behavior. What they see when they walk into the classroom, how they are greeted by their teacher and classmates, and how they perceive social interactions – all these factors have a profound effect on their sense of belonging. A strong relationship with an adult in the classroom is essential for young students to feel safe. The teacher’s love, care, and thoughtfulness are evident in the organization of the classroom, the display of beautiful student work, learning, and play. Singing and dancing together create a language of unity that young children understand - a sense of safety in a community that is greater than any individual member. Feeling secure in a kind and beautiful classroom creates a strong inner foundation for the development of young children's academic and relational character.

Young children explore the world with wonder.

Except for children, few of us spend time wondering why nature is the way it is. Younger learners are always asking questions. They hunger to make discoveries, to find answers that will help them understand the world around them. They ask questions not to annoy or interrupt, but to pursue their endless drive to learn. Much like scientists, they develop hypotheses and test them, often retesting and changing their theories over time –the foundations of logical reasoning. Guiding this curiosity in the direction of students’ academic growth without suppressing it is a primary teacher’s greatest challenge. By joining students in the inquiry process and creating opportunities for discovery, for building deep expertise, and for sharing that new knowledge, teachers should support children’s natural learning desire to provide their success in the classroom.  


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