Примерная структура зачета:Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ 1. Устное монологическое высказывание на основе изученной разговорной темы «St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)». 2. Итоговый (для каждого семестра) лексико-грамматический тест. ТЕКСТ ДЛЯ ПЕРЕСКАЗА Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)
St. -Petersburg State Institute of Technology was founded on November 28, 1828. It was the first and for a long time the only technological institute in Russia training technical specialists, engineers and managers of factories. It played a great role in the training of specialists for rapidly growing industry. In 1992 the Institute became Technical University. Since then it has been training engineers according to individual programmes and curricula. In 2011 a new structure was established at the Institute. At present Saint-Petersburg Institute of Technology trains specialists at 6 full time faculties: Chemistry of Substances and Materials, Chemical and Biotechnology, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology and Control, Chemical Engineering, Economics and Management. The Center of Secondary Professional Education was opened in 2012. The Institute also offers extra-mural education. Now in accordance with new demands the Institute has a multilevel structure of studies and is engaged in training Bachelors, Specialists, Masters, and Post Graduate students. Many famous scientists worked and took part in the education of engineers and technologists at the Institute, among them the creator of Periodic System of the Elements D. I. Mendeleyev, the founder of the modern science of metals D. K. Chernov. At the Institute museum one can see original documents of D. I. Mendeleyev and D. K. Chernov, books and articles by outstanding scientists which were published during their lives. Today the Institute is a large educational and scientific centre. Anyone who has a secondary education may apply to the Institute. The applicants used to take entrance examinations, but they don't do it any more. According to the new rules the applicants have to submit a certificate of passing Unified State Exam in several subjects. There are academicians and associate members of Russian and international Academies, state prizewinners, honoured workers of science, assistant professors and candidates of science among the teaching staff. The Institute is headed by the Rector, Professor A. P. Shevchik, a Doctor of Technical Science. The academic year is divided into two terms. There is a winter and a summer vacation period. The Institute has many well equipped auditoriums, computer and TV centers, numerous research and educational laboratories. The Institute's library is our pride. The total collection of library numbers around one million volumes. To receive a diploma an undergraduate has to submit a paper or project and defend it before the State Examinations Board. The best students have the possibility to become postgraduate students. Образец лексико-грамматического теста