«History of our technical school»On July 5, 1961, a resolution was passed to establish a school for agricultural mechanization specialists in Kalachinsk. Two educational buildings and a dormitory for students were built in the outskirts of Kalachinsk. First students were taught in the groups of " Carpenter", " Bricklayer", " Plasterer-molar". A period of school educational system formation and development, pedagogical and master staff recruiting, was in charge of the first director Vasiljchenko Mikhail Khrisanfovich (1961-1965). He demanded strict discipline and hardworking from colleagues and the students. Since 1962, the school has been giving educational course for a specialty such as " Tractor driver", “Combine harvester driver” and other professions. When Padin Nikolai Prokopevich (1965-1972) became the director new professions were introduced in an educational curriculum of the school: " Fruit-and-vegetable grower", " Weaver" and " Welder". Greenhouses, hot-beds, laboratory buildings, a metalwork shop, welding and turning shops were built in order to improve educational and professional skills of the graduates. There was a garden plotted with apple-, pear- trees and currant. A dormitory for girls was built next to the school buildings. Kalachinsk technical school was the only in the region which had begun training turners and welders for regional agricultural machinery enterprises. A highly professional teachers and trainers staff was formed that time. Valentina Grigorievna Kotova and Alexander Tikhonovich Shulga were not the only ones who were awarded with state signs of appraisal. In 1972, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Alexei Vlasovich Novokshonov (1972 - 1975) was appointed as the school's director. Under his leadership and in a faithful memory of the soldiers ”The Memory Alley” was laid at the hostel. There was a four-apartment house built for the school's employees. Chaunin Gennadyi Leonidovich (1975-1986)was a head of the Kalachinsk vocational school from 1965 till 1986. The technical school had finally passed on the training of students with a secondary education programme and a period of study for three years. The students could get a general secondary education and become a qualified worker in a professional field. Under a short period of a new directorship of The Technical School №41, Golik Nikolai Sergeevich (1986-1990), the old school building and hostel were refurbished and a new modern educational building was built and put into operation. Nowadays the modern one is the main school building. Lochman Alexander Gennadievich (1990-2010) came to work in the school as a teacher of specialized disciplines in 1983. And in 1990 he was elected as a director. His name is associated with difficult years of restructuring as in the country so as in educational system. Those were the years of survival of vocational school education. That time it was necessary to preserve the material and technical base, the collective, to keep the school alive. Despite the difficulties and thanks to the local authorities support and a competent approach to the work of the leader himself, the school had continued its development. New professions were offered by the school educational programme. They were " Knitter", " Seller. Controller-cashier". Since 2003 started the training for the profession " Electrician of agricultural equipment maintains”, “Driver " C" category”, " Tailor". Alexander Alekseevich Chernyak (since 2010 to nowadays) came to work in the Technical School in 1998. He was a young master of industrial training. His colleagues say that he was shy and modest. He graduated Pedagogical Collage at first. Then he entered Pedagogical Institute in Ekaterinburg while working and graduated it successfully. He had a distant course. He started his career as a master of industrial training. Then he became a senior master and a director assistant after that. In 2010 he was appointed as a director of Kalachinsk Vocational School. Within the constant reforming and optimization of vocational education the process had also touched upon our educational institution. These schools were reorganized and are under Kalachinsk supervision: · March 25, 2011 Okoneshnikovskoe " Vocational School №19"; · June 30, 2015 Gorkovskoye " Vocational School №34" and Nizhne-Omsk " Vocational School №63". New specialties and professions have been offered and taught recently: · Economics Essentials, where graduates can get basic knowledge of economy and accounting; · Insurance business, the students of this course are able to work in an insurance agency; · Law and organization of social work, the students who fulfill the demands of the course are able to begin their work career in some public organizations or state supported institutions as a lawyer junior; · Maintenance and repair of agricultural machines, this course of study is mainly aimed to reduce the shortage of qualified professionals in a technical sphere of regional agricultural enterprises. They are supposed to bring in new technologies and machinery to the agricultural companies of the region; · Welding production process, the graduates are supposed to become technologically qualified welding specialists. Their future job is closely connected with Machinery, Engineering and Machines repair and maintenance; · Cook-confectioner, here students are mostly given practical skills on food cooking process, food preparation and serving. They get knowledge on nutrition, products compatibility, food-serving design and get some essentials on food service run. We are proud being a part of students’ brotherhood in this educational institute.