Upstream Intermediate Unit 7. A. Fill in the missing words. Write only one word.. B. Circle the correct item.Upstream Intermediate Unit 7 Name_________________ Date_______ Points_____________________ A. Fill in the missing words. Write only one word. 1. When did you..................... your living room redecorated? 2. I think I've put on some weight. These jeans are too t.. ........................ They use to be loose. 3. I'm going to the.............................. to get some bread. Would you like me to get you anything? 4. George looks great today. His new suit fits him like a.......................... 5. Tom.......................... me if I could lend him my CD player. 6. Why have you suddenly become so obsessed.................... antique furniture? 7. He's looking.......................... his little brother tonight as their parents are going out. 8. Try not let your parents........................... They will be upset. 9. My Sister promised to look.......................... the children while we're away. 10. Mary.......................... her ears pierced last month. 11. Can you please.......................... me what time it is? 12. My mum was very proud.......................... me when I graduated college. 13. The minister thanked his staff and said he was grateful.......................... them for their dedication. 14. James received lots of birthday.......................... this year. 15. They told us they.......................... take the 10 o'clock bus to Aberdeen. 16. I need a pair of black high-heeled.......................... to match my evening dress. 17. There's a button m. ......................... from your shirt. Have you lost it? 18. I cannot afford a long holiday because I'm on a t. ......................... budget. 19. Grandma was really pleased.......................... the present we got her, wasn't she? 20. If you want to make your wife happy, bear in.......................... that women love getting flowers. 21. I wouldn’t like to be in your.........................., your situation is awful! 22. Technology is the.......................... of the game today. B. Circle the correct item. 23. If I were you, I'd take more............ in my work. A confidence B pride C dedication 23. The zip is...., so don't put anything in the bag. A uneven B loose C broken 25. Is it true that the School Committee is going to look...................... the problem of attendance? A into B over C up 26. Didn't Ann say that she would...................... you a hand with the packing? A give B gave C be given 27. Mr Thompson is a rather...................... old man who's not fond of sudden changes. A ambitious B sentimental C conservative 28. Jane...................... her hair trimmed. Doesn't it look great? A will have B has had C could have 29. What washing...................... do you use? A powder B spray C cleaner 30. They asked me if I...................... ever been there before. A have B have had C had 31. I'd like to apologise for letting you...................... promise it won't happen again. A down B off C in 32. The salesman....... me if I could sign the receipt. A said B asked C told