Exercise 1: Answer the following questions.
I. Warm-up activities
Exercise 1: Answer the following questions. 1) How often do you use the Internet? I use the Internet... . 2) What Internet services do you usually use? I usually use... . 3) Are you a member of a social networking site? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 4) Have you ever bought clothes or gadgets on the Internet? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 5) Do you chat online? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 6) Do you send text messages or voice messages? Why? I send... messages, because it is... .
Exercise 1: Match the pictures to the words
Exercise 2: Put the words in the table into the sentence below
1. A: What’s your __________________? B: It’s iloveenglish@gmail. com. 2. If you click on that __________________, it will take you to a new website 3. I sent you a message this morning. Did you check your __________________? 4. A: Do you like to do ________________ shopping? B: Yeah, I love Amazon! 5. A: Which do you like better, Macbook Pro or Macbook Air? B: Actually, I don’t like _______________. 6. How do you upload and ________________ files? 7. Be careful if you open a _____________. It may have a virus! 8. I write about my travel experiences on my own personal __________________.. 9. I have too many photos on my iPad. I need to __________________ some photos. 10. Oh, no! I spilled coffee on my ____________________. Now I can’t type anything L 11. Books are too heavy so these days I read ____________________. 12. You need your username and password so you can ______________________. 13. He sent us an e-mail with an attachment called report. doc – ‘doc’ means _______________. 14. My ________________ is a secret. I will never tell anyone! 15. I took a photo of our school yesterday, and sent it to you as an ________________.