1. Замените подчеркнутые слова личными местоимениями.1. Замените подчеркнутые слова личными местоимениями. Н-р: I saw Bob yesterday, but Bob didn’t see me. – I saw him yesterday, but he didn’t see me. (Я видела его вчера, но он не видел меня. ) 1. Jack and I met Samantha. Samantha gave Jack and me a letter for you. Take the letter. 2. Den and Mike are leaving for New York. I am driving Den and Mike to the airport. 3. I’m calling Alex. I haven’t seen Alex for ages. And Alex isn’t at school. 4. Let’s go to the library with Peter and me. Peter and I need some books in Japanese. 5. Here is our cat Felix. Felix is hungry. I will feed Felix.
2. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу личные местоимения. 1. Ben is a little boy. … is six. 2. Jane is a house-wife (домохозяйка). … is lazy (ленивая). 3. Max is a soldier. … is brave. 4. Lily is a young woman. … is very beautiful. 5. Alice is late. … is in a traffic jam (в дорожной пробке). 6. Nick and Ann are far from Moscow. … are on a farm. 7. This is Ben's room. … is nice. 8. These are new books. … are interesting. 9. This is Elsa. … is a student. 10. Nick and Max are students. … are students of a Moscow university. 11. The rooms are small but … are light and warm. 12. The new flat is comfortable but … is far from the university. 13. Jack has many French books. … likes to read French very much. 14. Hans is a new student. … is German. 15. Alice and Jane are new secretaries. … are not lazy.
3. Раскройте скобки, поставив личное местоимение в форму объектного Example: Please help (I) me. 1. Please help (I). 2. Tell (we) a story, please. 3. I meet (he) every day after school. 4. I often speak to (they). 5. Give (it) to (she). 6. Let (I) check. 7. I’ll see (you) tomorrow.