Boundary scan results to IC mappingBoundary scan results to IC mapping
This table was reverse engineered from recording the jtag bus while the boundary scan occured (well at least the start of it). I had already worked out the order the ICs were placed in the JTAG chain and the fact the video memory has 88 boundary scan registers (from the datasheet). From there it was a case of recognising the repeated 88 bit patterns from the scan to establish the number of bits in the Sega BGA ICs. Boundary Scan Bit Position The following table can be used to identify the pin on the video ICs that the boundary scan is theoretically referring to. Don’t assume that if you have one of these bit positions come up that there is a fault with that IC, however its a good place to work out which pins to look at.
Memory Test Faults The video board memory test gives a range of faults. It does seem however that it normally fails an entire group of ram ICs when only one of them is actually faulty. Another interesting fact is the IC numbers the memory test will give you often don’t exist on the video board. That’s because it seems to be reporting IC numbers from the step 1. 5 board. On the step 1. 5 board you can see the ICs that are reported to have failed next to empty pads marked with the IC number that needs to be replaced.