Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of higher education «National Research University ITMO» Engineering Research Faculty
REPORT Laboratory work №2
«Ray tracing through thin components. Formation of an optical system diagram in a computer-aided design program» by discipline «Introduction into applied optics»
Completed by: ________________ Version №: _______________
Associate professor Anna Voznesenskaya
Saint-Petersburg 1. Goal of the work: study the principles of constructing the path of rays through thin components and the principles of forming an optical system circuit using a computer-aided design system.
2. Tasks: Part 1. 1) build the path of rays through thin components using the computer-aided design program AutoCAD (see Annex 1); 2) calculate image position, lens magnification, image size using thin lens formula; 3) compare the results of construction and calculation; 4) make your conclusion. Part 2. 1) build a cemented doublet scheme in the computer-aided design program AutoCAD (see Annex 2); 2) put sizes; 3) take a screenshot from the program and insert it into the report; 4) set the optical system in the OPAL program (see file “Introduction to the OPAL program”); 5) take a screenshot of the ray path in the optical system and insert it into the report; 6) take a screenshot of the Paraxial characteristics and insert into the report; 7) formulate conclusions.
3. The content of the work Part 1. Rays path through thin components
Сalculations Part 2. Optical system diagram
Ray path in the optical system
Paraxial characteristics 4. Conclusions Annex 1. Tasks
Annex 2. Tasks