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Geothermal energy is energy from the hot center of the earth. The earth has a core of molten rock beneath its solid outer crust. This crust is usually between one and 50 kilometers thick. But in some places (such as Iceland and New Zealand) it is very thin; the hot molten rock is only a few meters beneath the surface. Energy from this molten rock is already widely used to heat homes and swimming pools in New Zealand, and in a few places it is used to generate electricity. If we developed the technology to bore deeper beneath the earth's surface, many other countries could use geothermal energy. Because there is so much molten rock within the earth, the potential supply of geothermal energy is almost limitless. The natural world contains many sources of energy. It is possible to convert the energy of the wind, the sea, the rivers, the sun and the hot center of the earth into useful electrical energy. But because alternative energy is a young science, the generators that do this are relatively primitive and inefficient. We need more research into alternative energy. Environmentally-conscious governments must give more funds to research so that scientists can develop more efficient ways of harnessing natural energy sources.