Read and translate the text:. Text 5. WHEAT.. Learn the words.
Read and translate the text:
Text 5. WHEAT.
Wheat is widely cultivated throughout the world. It is one of the most valuable crop plants. The countries leading in wheat production are the Soviet Union, the United States, China, Canada, India, France and Italy.
Wheat is known to be adapted to different soil and climatic conditions. Only rye, barley, potatoes and some other crops are grown under colder conditions than wheat.
The wheat plant is an annual. There are spring wheat varieties sown early m spring and harvested in the late summer. There are also winter wheat varieties sown in the fall and maturing early the following summer.
Wheat grows best when it is sown in a well-prepared, fine and mellow seedbed. Sufficient moisture should be present for wheat seed to germinate quickly and for young plants to grow well. Most of the wheat grown is sown with a drill. The rate and depth of sowing are more ассuratе and uniform with this method of sowing and less seed is required. To obtain more and higher-quality grain and to reduce labour costs farmers harvest wheat with combines. Wheat is considered to be ready for combine harvesting when moisture content of the grain is 14% or less.
Learn the words.
| культивируется
| wheat seed
| семя пшеницы
| conditions
| условия
| rye
| рожь
| valuable
| ценные
| depth
| глубина
| ассuratе
| точные
| moisture
| влаги
| grain
| зерна
| harvesting
| сбор урожая
| sufficient
| достаточно
| soil
| почвы
| well-prepared
| хорошо подготовленный
| annual
| годовой
| reduce
| уменьшить
| germinate
| прорастают
| higher-quality
| высшего качества
| content
| содержание