4. The future for school dinners ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 There are plans to examine school dinners in the UK and look at ways to make them better. Henry Dimbleby and John Vincent started 'Leon', a chain of restaurants which aim to sell healthy fast food. The British government has asked the two restaurant owners to collect information about school dinners and see how they can be improved. Perhaps complaints about lunchtime food in British schools will soon be a thing of the past. II. Tasks on checking understanding/Задания на понимание прочитанного: 1. School dinners - Check your understanding: true or false Начало формы True False Конец формы 2. A school dinner in the UK costs about 2 pounds. Начало формы True False Конец формы 3. Martha Payne wrote a magazine article called 'Neverseconds'. Начало формы True False Конец формы 4. Martha Payne raises money to help feed poor children. Начало формы True False Конец формы 5. All British schoolchildren have school dinners. Начало формы True False Конец формы 6. The British government wants to improve school dinners. Начало формы True False
2. School dinners - Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. a. Some people say that midday meals should be _______ for all schoolchildren. Начало формы free passionate fried b. There are limits on the amount of ______ food in British school dinners. Начало формы poor fried good c. Martha Payne grades her lunch on how _______ the food is. free fried healthy Конец формы
d. Martha doesn’t always give ______ grades for her school dinners. Начало формы good healthy free Конец формы Конец формы e. Jamie Oliver is ______ about school dinners. Начало формы fast healthy passionate Конец формы
f. Martha’s blog became very ________ on social media websites. Начало формы roast popular free g. Some children have free school meals if their parents are _________. Начало формы healthy popular unemployed h. A typical school dinner is carrots, potatoes and ________ chicken. Начало формы fast free roast Конец формы Конец формы Конец формы Конец формы