


Случайная статья

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education


Translation form Russian into English

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education

«Moscow Technological University»

Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M. V. Lomonosov


119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Prospect, building 86,

Telephone number: +7 (499)6008300, Fax: +7(499)6008300,

e-mail: mirea@mirea. ru, http//www. mirea. ru


22. 01. 2018 № 787

The certificate

It was given to the Mr. Pogorilyy Victor Alekseevich that he is really a 2nd year student of the Master's degree of intramural form of education of the basic general education program of the Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M. V. Lomonosov

The certificate is issued to be submitted upon the request. Mr. Pogorilyy is admitted to Master’s degree program in a place financed by budgetary appropriations of the federal budget, order of 18. 08. 2016 No. 2774-C. Training started 01. 09. 2016. Planned finish date is 31. 08. 2018.



Director of the Instituteof Fine Chemical Technologies  signature stamp            M. A. Maslov

named after M. V. Lomonosov


Executive: N. Y. Asilova, phone 8-499-600-89-56


Full name of translator – Pogorilyy Victor

Date of translation: 25. 01. 2018

Translator's contact details:

Mob.: +7-910-449-77-21

e-mail: pogorilviktor@gmail. com


Translator's signature_________________



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