Learning English ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Learning English On the other hand, information technology has made it easy to learn English compared to earlier ages. It is easier now for students to learn English using technology. Many people learned English using IT products, surfing internet sites, recording and playback systems, and other educational broadcasting systems. Information Technology has transformed the world, making learning more accessible. As much as learning English can be challenging and time-consuming, it is valuable with very many accompanying opportunities. In many countries where English is not widely spoken, you are considered very highly educated. English knowledge opens a lot of work opportunities both at home and abroad. The travel opportunities are limitless, and being a global citizen can fulfill these dreams for you. As you can see, English opens a lot of doors that would have otherwise remained closed. https: //www. techgape. com/2021/03/information-technology. html