Тема занятия: Техническое обслуживание
Дата: 21. 10. 2021 г. Номер группы: ЗГ-23 Дисциплина: ОГСЭ 03 «Иностранный язык» Тема занятия: Техническое обслуживание Задания: 1. Прочитайте текст. Источник, где вы сможете найти транскрипцию слова или можете прослушать правильное чтение незнакомого слова: https: //wooordhunt. ru/ 2. Переведите текст. Источник, с помощью которого вы можете посмотреть значение незнакомых слов: https: //www. translate. ru/ Technical means of systems(elements of the system) Water intake structures-an element for receiving water from natural sources. Water-lifting structures (pumping stations) — an element for supplying water to places of its purification, storage or consumption. Water treatment facilities. Water pipelines and water supply networks are elements for transporting and supplying water to places where it is consumed. Towers and tanks-regulating and spare tanks. Water supply Maintenance of hot water, HVAC and drinking water systems (inspections, routine maintenance, maintenance of pipelines, shut-off and control valves, insulation, sanitary equipment) Control and maintenance of DHW and HVAC pumps and their automation Monitoring and maintenance of the drinking water treatment system, routine replacement of filter elements Periodic verification of devices Preparation of the domestic hot water system for seasonal operation Sewerage technical audit, design, construction, installation and service support of the sewer system; maintenance of household and storm sewer systems (inspections, routine maintenance, maintenance of pipelines, shut-off and control valves, insulation, sanitary equipment), treatment plants (CNS, grease and oil separators); periodic verification of devices; monitoring and cleaning of wells, drainage pits, roof funnels, storm drains; elimination of leaks, leaks of joints and joints; preparation of the domestic hot water system for seasonal operation; planning and conducting repair, modernization, and installation activities; accounting for the amount of water consumed and diverted, eliminating leaks. Serving one of the main life support systems-water supply and Sewerage - the team of Are Russia is aware of the high degree of responsibility for the protection of the surrounding water environment, human health, ensuring environmental and sanitary cleanliness, which is possible only if all water supply and Sewerage systems are functioning correctly. Maintenance of water supply and Sewerage systems is a complex set of works for the design of engineering solutions that require high qualification of specialists who perform installation of complex solutions and special technical equipment. Engineers and workers of Are Russia carry out uninterrupted and trouble - free operation of the artificial space heating structure in order to maintain a temperature that meets the requirements of thermal comfort and/or technological process. The complex of works includes technical audit, design, installation and support of all elements of the water supply and Sewerage system: Water intake structures-an element for receiving water from natural sources. Water-lifting structures (pumping stations) — an element for supplying water to places of its purification, storage or consumption. Water treatment facilities. Water pipelines and water supply networks are elements for transporting and supplying water to places where it is consumed.
3. Ответьте на вопросы на английском языке: a) Why do you want to be a gasman? b) What elements of the system have you known? c) What are the disadvantages water-lifting structures?
Критерии оценивания: Отметка «5» ставится, если правильно переведен текст и грамматически правильно даны ответы на вопросы. Отметка «4» ставится, если в переводе текста и в ответах допущено от 1 до 4 ошибок Отметка «3» ставится, если в переводе текста и в ответах допущено от 5 до 8 ошибок
Выполненное задание пришлите на почту преподавателю: Орлова Н. Н. - orlowa. nina1979@yandex. ru