Examples of text MCQ’sСтр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ Which of the mentioned joints belong to the complex type? Temporomandibular joint Hip joint Interphalangeal joint Shoulder joint Metatarsophalangeal joint
What are the processes of maxilla? Palatine, alveolar, zygomatic, frontal Palatine, alveolar, frontal Anterior, infratemporal, orbital, nasal Nasal, palatine, alveolar
Which of the following muscles assist in extension of forearm? Triceps brachii Triceps surae Biceps brachii Deltoid Coracobrachialis
Skeletotopy of pharynx: From cranial base to С6 From cranial base to С2 С2-С6 С1-С7
Pancreas has relation to all listed, EXCEPT: Ileum Spleen Duodenum Aorta Left kidney
What is sumandibular gland supplied by? Arteria temporalis superficialis Arteria lingualis Arteria facialis Arteria maxillaris
Which sequence best describes the flow of blood through arteries from arch of aorta towards right eyeball? Brachiocephalic trunk-common carotid -internal carotid-ophthalmic Common carotid -internal carotid-ophthalmic Brachiocephalic trunk-common carotid -external carotid-ophthalmic Common carotid - external carotid-ophthalmic Brachiocephalic trunk-common carotid-ophthalmic What does facial vein drain into? Internal jugularAnterior jugularExternal jugularLingualSuperior thyroid
Which sequence best describes the flow of blood through veins from kidney towards right atrium? Renal vein-inferior vena cava Renal vein-hepatic portal vein-hepatic veins-inferior vena cava Renal vein-azygos vein-inferior vena cava Renal vein-superior vena cava
What is pons derivative of? Myelencephalon Metencephalon Mesencephalon Diencephalon Telencephalon
All listed nerves supply to tongue, EXCEPT: n. trigeminus n. abducens n. facialis n. glossopharyngeus n. hypoglossus
What is auriculotemporal nerve branch of? n. maxillaris n. facialis n. zygomaticus plexus cervicalis n. mandibularis