Navigation System ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Navigation System The Navigation System is mainly composed of IRS (Inertial Reference System) or AHRS (Attitude, Heading and Reference System) and GPS (Global Positioning System), as well as existing physical navaids such as VOR-DME. The IRS or AHRS provides raw information that is crucial to flight, such as attitude and heading. The Navigation System sends navigation information to the FMC to calculate, to the AFS to control the aircraft, and to the EFIS system to display. EFIS EFIS, as a display system displays flight information including command from FMC and real-time information such as attitude, heading, position, planned route and flight track, etc. It is composed of EADI (Electronic Attitude Display Indicator) and EHSI (Electronic Horizontal Status Indicator), or on some aircraft PFD (Primary Flight Display) and ND (Navigation Display). Either displays lateral or vertical flight information.