PRIMARY SCHOOL TEST. B. Fill in the plural (Поставьте во множественное число) . C. Fill in he, she, we, you, they. D. Fill in am, is, are. E. Fill in have, hasСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ PRIMARY SCHOOL TEST
1. ____ girl 2. ____ orange 3. ____octopus 4. ____cheese B. Fill in the plural (Поставьте во множественное число) 5. one child – two __________ 6. one cherry – two _________ 7. one tooth – two __________ 8. one mouth – two _________ 9. one boy – two ___________ 10. one wolf – two _________ 11. one brush – two _________ 12. one man – two __________ C. Fill in he, she, we, you, they 13. Mary__________________ 14. brother_______________ 15. Tony and Bill_________
16. balloons ________ 17. you and Bob_______ 18. Steve and I _______
D. Fill in am, is, are 19. I......... from Russia. 20. They...... Tom and Bill. 21. She....... seven. 22. You....... Sarah. 23. He....... John. 24. We...... friends. 25. It...... my dog. E. Fill in have, has 26. She............ a black dog. 27. They............... a red car. 28. I............... two cats. 29. He................. a ball. 30. You.............. a friend.