Task 4. Halloween games. Task 5. Halloween decorations. Task 6. Halloween words . Task 7. Proverbs ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Task 4. Halloween games No Halloween party is complete without traditional games. Look at the images of the games and correlate them with the descriptions. 1. Poke a pumpkin 2. Spider toss game 3. Pin the tail on the cat 4. Bobbing for Apples
A. B. C. D. Task 5. Halloween decorations People like to decorate their houses for Halloween. Today you’ll find out how to make an unusual Bat. Read the instruction and then put the sentences (A-G) of the instruction into a right order.
A. B. Cut a bat wings from the black high-count fabric. C. Scissor up two bat ears out of the felt scraps. D. Attach fangs with a tiny dot of hot glue. E. Pop in ears into the pinecone, then fix with hot glue. F. Pop in the wings into the pinecone, then fix with hot glue. G. Fix the googly eyes to the pinecone with a dab of hot glue. Task 6. Halloween words Halloween party is impossible without riddles! Read the words in each carefully. Restore the words below by changing the gaps to the vowels to get Halloween words. Write the words in English. 1. Fr-ght-n 2. H--nt-d h--s- 3. M-g-c w-nd 4. M-dn-ght 5. M-st-r---s 6. N-ghtm-r- Task 7. Proverbs В английском языке очень много пословиц, поговорок и высказываний о персонажах Хэллоуина. В каждой тыкве зашифровано высказывание об одном из персонажей Хэллоуина. Расшифруй высказывания. Раздели получившиеся высказывания на две группы: о живых персонажах Хэллоуина и о неживых.