https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/spirkin/works/dialectical-materialism/index.html. Alexander Spirkin. Dialectical Materialism. Table of Contents. Introduction. 1. Philosophy As A World-View And A Methodology. 2. The System of Categories in Philohttps: //www. marxists. org/reference/archive/spirkin/works/dialectical-materialism/index. html Alexander Spirkin Dialectical Materialism First Published: © 1983 by Progress Publishers; Table of Contents Introduction 1. Philosophy As A World-View And A Methodology What Is Philosophy? 2. The System of Categories in Philosophical Thought The Categories of Dialectics 3. Consciousness of the World and the World of Consciousness The General Concept of Consciousness and Mental Activity 4. The Theory of Knowledge and Creativity General Concept of Cognition 5. On the Human Being and Being Human What Is a Human Being? A. Request to Readers B. Front Matter Colophon