SYNONYMS. ANTONYMS. GRAMMAR REVISION ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 SYNONYMS Group the following words into eight synonymous groups: amount low-priced occupation swamp cheap machinery profession various equipment marsh pursuit vast extensive miscellaneous quantity inexpensive need requirement ANTONYMS Group the words that follow into six antonymous groups: cheap high poor rich employment long private short expensive low public unemployment GRAMMAR REVISION The most important information in a sentence usually comes first. We use the passive voice to change the order of the information in a sentence. A verb is in the passive voice when the subject receives the action: Our flag is admired by many people. John was given a book by the teacher. A passive construction is a combination of a form of the verb be with the past participle of another verb.
Make the verbs in the following sentences passive. 1. Industry employs 42 percent of the working force of Belarus. 2. Forests cover about one-third of the republic. 3. Agriculture uses peat as a mulching material. 4. Belarus generates only about 12 percent of its own energy needs. 5. Thermal power stations generate nearly all electricity. 6. Belarus also manufactures computers, engineering equipment, metal-cutting tools. 7. Machine-building industry makes various types of tractors, heavy-duty trucks, other heavy machinery and electrical equipment. 8. Minsk's satellite town, Zhodzino, produces large-capacity dump trucks.