APRIL, 28 Тема: TRAVEL CULTURE CORNER GOING TO THE USA ACTIVITIES IN CLASS 1 Look at the leaflet. Who is it for? What does 'Mind your manners' mean? p. 149, ex. 1a
2. Read the parts of the leaflet in bold. What do you expect to read about these things. Listen, read and check. What is the author's purpose? p. 149, ex. 1b
*Make space! Always maintain enough distance between you and someone you're talking to, even a friend! Personal body space is very important to Americans!
*It It is NOT usually acceptable to call someone before 9am or after 10pm.
*Never ask for someone's personal information such as age or salary details. It is considered very rude!
*Don't cut ahead in a line. 'Cutters' are not tolerated!
*Yawning or sneezing without covering your mouth or burping are considered very gross! Americans have very high hygiene standards.
*Opinions: it's OK to have them!! This manner of direct speaking is often interpreted by foreigners as rude, but it isn't!
*Unexpected visits aren't really 'the done thing' in America! Telephone beforehand.
*Remember to knock before entering a room.
*Maintain eye contact when speaking to someone. Not looking someone in the eye can be taken as a sign of dishonesty.
*Always try to be on time. Punctuality is extremely important for Americans.
*Never forget to say 'please' and 'thank you'. Not doing so means that you have bad manners!
*Names: it's often OK for young people to call adults by their first names. It is not considered impolite or disrespectful. Rather, it is taken as a sign of equality, a highly valued American ideal!
*Eating before others are ready to begin, is considered very impolite.
*Remember to always tip waiters, doormen, taxi drivers, hairdressers. It's a highly important social convention in the USA!
*Switch off your mobile phone when at the movies or at a restaurant with others.