


Случайная статья

Практическое занятие на тему: «Сервировка стола и обслуживание»

Практическое занятие на тему: «Сервировка стола и обслуживание»

Задание 1. Выпишите слова в словарь и выучите их.

cutlery [ˈ kʌ tlə rɪ ] ножи, ложки, вилки

tableware [ ˈ teɪ blweə r]приборы для сервировки стола

glassware [ˈ glɑ ː sweə r] стеклянная посуда (стаканы, рюмки, бокалы)

crockery ['krokeri] посуда из фаянса (тарелки, чашки, блюдца и проч. )

folded сложенный

napkin [ˈ næ pkɪ n] салфетка

at the left side слева

at the right side справа

edge [eʤ ] край

blade лезвие

to wipe вытирать

to polish полировать

tip кончик

ashtray пепельница

to face left смотреть влево.

cm=centimeter сантиметр


Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст

What would you expect to find in a well-stocked bar? Certainly you would hope to find a waiter’s friend. This is a gadget with a bottle opener to open bottled beers and soft drinks, a corkscrew to remove corks from bottles of wine, as well as a foil cutter to remove the foil on top of bottles.

Then you might hope to find an ice bucket to keep white wine and champagne chilled and a paring knife tor slicing lemons and other fruit to garnish drinks. Not to mention a long bar spoon for stirring drinks.

Most good bars these days have a cocktail shaker to mix cocktails and the classic-shaped cocktail glasses to pour them into. These should have a solid stem so you do not warm the drink when you are holding it.

Other essential glasses include champagne flutes, with very long stems, highball glasses for soft drinks and long cocktails, and wine glasses or goblets. Finally, there should be an old-fashioned glass, which is short with a thick bottom, used for serving spirits such as whisky, and a good selection of other glassware.



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