02.04.2020 г. группа 2М Иностранный языкСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ 02. 04. 2020 г. группа 2М Иностранный язык ПЗ №52 «Электричество» 1. Прочтите и сделайте письменный перевод текста на русский язык: The Concept of Electrical Current In the beginning of the 17th century Sir William Gilbert discovered that many substances could be electrified by friction. Gilbert named this effect «electric» after the world «electron» - the Greek name for amber. In 1756 the great Russian scientist M. V. Lomonosov was the first to make theoretical analysis of electrical phenomena. At present the nature of electrification is explanted by the electron theory. According to the modern theory all matter is composed of atoms or tiny particles. There are many kinds of atoms. Each atom consists of a nucleus, a small positively charged mass and a number of lighter negatively charged particles called electrons, which revolve around the nucleus. Normally each atom of a substance is electrically neutral, or it has equal amounts of negative and positive charges, i. e. produces no electrical effects. If the number of negative charges is not equal to the number of positive charges, the matter will produce electrical effects. When an electric charge is at rest it is spoken of as static electricity, but when it is in motion it is referred to as an electric current. In most cases, an electric current is described as a flow of electric charges along a conductor. An electric current which flows in the same direction through a conductor or a current which does not change its polarity is called a direct current or a continuous current. Its abbreviation is D. C. An alternating current (A. C. ) flows first in one direction and then in the other. An electric circuit is a path through which an electric current flows. This is a complete path along which electrons can transmit their charges. An electric circuit includes a battery, generator, or magnetic means for producting current flow. Some portion of the circuit is made to do useful work. The circuit is said to be open when no charges can move due to a break in the path. The circuit is said to be closed when no break exists-when switches are closed and all connections are properly made.
Words to the text: 1) insulator-изолятор 2) substance-вещество, материя 3) friction-трение, сцепление 4) nucleus-ядро, ячейка 5) amount-сумма, количество 6) charge-заряд, загрузка 7) rest-покой, отдых 8) motion-движение 9) flow-поток, течение 10) circuit-цепь, кругооборот 11) current-течение, ток 12) path-путь, дорожка, линия 13) break-прорыв, интервал, перелом 14) To discover-открывать 15) To make-делать 16) To explain-объяснять 17) To consist-состоять из 18) To revolve-вращаться 19) To produce-производить 20) To transmit-передавать 21) To include-включать 22) To exist-существовать 23) To use-использовать 24) Tiny-маленький, крошечный 25) Light-легкий, светлый 26) Equal-равный 27) Poor-бедный, слабый 28) Continuous-непрерывный, постоянный 29) Wide-широкий 30) Alternating-переменный
2. Дайте краткие определения следующих понятий: Static electricity Electric current Direct current Alternating current Electric circuit An open circuit A closed circuit An electrical phenomenon An electron theory Positive charges Negative charges Conductors of electricity Special symbols