Read the following text:. I- True or false ? Support your answer by quoting from the text.Read the following text:
The Finns may be more interested in preparing their kids for the future than most nationalities. They have one big reason they buy their teenagers mobile phones and pay the monthly bills about 40 dollars. A study by the Information Society Research Center at the University of Tampere (sponsored by wireless operator Sonera, Nokia and Tekes) says that that parents see a mobile phone as a “ key to the information society”. Keeping an eye on the little rascals may be benefit too. But teens don't like it. Heidi, a 15 year-old in Leena Nordman` s English class: “My mom` s always calling me, “ she says, rolling her eyes. When Norman a PE teacher tells her students that they can get their phones out one spring day, they all proudly do so. Some of the boys immediately start playing games built into the small, colorful devices. And Heidi and a few kids are happy to tell other people about their obsession. First of all, the thing is not a phone. It´ s a kannykka ( a little hand), a luuri ( a transmitter) and sometimes a kapula ( a stick).
Most of these kids have computers at home, and enjoy chatting online. They all like the thrill of gossiping, flirting or just bombarding each other with smiley faces, all for less than the cost of a voice call. Eija-liisa Kasesniemi, who ran the Information Society Research Center study, says the kids have their own vocabulary here, too.
Source: Newsweek, May 1999
I- True or false? Support your answer by quoting from the text.
a) Finnish parents consider that a mobile phone is a needless object. T/F b) They don` t mind paying the extra costs these objects represent. T/F c) Sometimes teachers allow students to use their mobiles in class. T/F d) Teenagers never use their devices for chatting T/F e) This kind of communicationcan change the language of communication T/F