IV. Постановка темы и целей урока. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 IV. Постановка темы и целей урока. T: What is the theme of our lesson? P1-P2: отвечают. T: And what are we going to do at our lesson boys and girls? P1-P2: отвечают. V. Проверка домашнего задания. Т: Friends, your home task was to read and translate the texts on page 39. - I want you to read the texts by chain. So, let’s start. Ps: читают. VI. Активизация ранее изученных лексических единиц. Работа в парах. (Ex. 3a p. 39) Т: So, it’s time to work with our words. Let’s work in pairs. а)Choose the translation of the following words. Competitors, extremely, to get out of, take part in, offer, majority, raise money, charity, race course, presenters, to comment on, smart, championship, spectators, compete. соперник, чрезвычайно, выходить, принимать участие в, большинство, собирать деньги, благотворительность, беговая дорожка, предъявитель, комментировать, ловкий, чемпионат, очевидцы, состязаться. b)Choose the correct word. ex. 3 p. 39. Check in your dictionary. Make sentences using these words. VII. Активизация навыков монологической речи. (Ex. 2 p. 3) Т: a)Read again and say which events A, B, C, D : -offers a cash prize? -lasts the longest? -is attended by British royalty? -is a competition between two teams? b) Imagine you are a radio presenter. (ex. 4 p. 39) Choose one of the events and present it to the class. VIII. Динамическая пауза T: I think you are tired, our eyes want some rest! Look at the screen. P: смотрят видео и выполняют упражнения для глаз. IX. Активизация навыков письменной речи. Работа в группах. (Ех. 5 p. 39) Write a short text about a famous sporting events in your country. X. Домашнее задание. T: Now, open your homework diaries and write down your home task. Retell the text. T: Dear friends, I enjoyed your work today, the lesson is over you may be free, see you tomorrow! Good-bye! XI. Выставление отметок. XII. Подведение итогов. Т: Ok, dears, thank you for your work. What have we done today? What was the most interesting for you? What was easy /difficult during the lesson? P: отвечают на вопросы. Д-з рт 18 (1-3)