IV International Scientific and Practical Conference Law and Modern Economy: New Challenges and Prospects in a Pandemic ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 PROGRAM IV International Scientific and Practical Conference " Law and Modern Economy: New Challenges and Prospects in a Pandemic" Location: St. Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON) Date: April 08, 2021 Conference partners: GRATA International SPb, LF Academy, SIRIUS GLOBAL - Academic Diplomacy 4. 0, School for Law Professions Sapienza University of Rome. 10. 00 - 13. 00 Plenary session Moderators: Krainova Nadezhda, Dean of the Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Komarov Vladimir, Managing Partner, GRATA International SPb. 10. 00 - 10. 15. Greeting: 1. Maksimtsev Igor, Rector of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor; 2. Wilfried Bergmann, Member of the Academic Council of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences; Head of the Science and Education working group of the Petersburg Dialogue Forum from the German side. 10. 00 - 10. 15. Greeting: 10. 15-13. 00. Speeches: 1. Antinucci Mario, Associate Professor, School for Law Professions, Sapienza University (Rome, Italy) " Law and economics in the context of a new pandemic emergency: the priority role of international scientific cooperation for strategic multilateralism"; 2. Nikolay Averchenko, Senior Vice President for Legal and Administrative Issues of the Skolkovo Foundation, Ph. D. (Moscow, Russia), - " Robots: on the way from legal personality to legal personality"; 3. Korobeyev Alexander, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Law School of the FEFU, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor (Vladivostok, Russia), - " Unmanned vehicles in the field of view of criminal law"; 4. Eduardo Garcia, EMEA Managing Director, Soriano Group & Family Office, professor at Universidad San Pablo CEU, Vatel Business School, CEF (Madrid, Spain), - “Fintech: Trends in the Modern Economy”; 5. Khvoshchinsky Alexander, co-founder and partner of the consulting company " Legal StratAgency", LL. M, (Berlin, Germany) - " The first lessons of the pandemic for free legal professions"; 6. Belov Sergey, Dean of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia), Head of the Department of Constitutional Law of St. Petersburg State University, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor - " How can law help the economy in a new post-covid reality? "; 7. Ermolenko Alexander, Partner at FBK Legal, Head of the Department of Practical Law, Moscow State Law Academy, (Moscow, Russia), Ph. D. - " Constitutional Rights: COVID, New Reality"; 8. Steininger Andreas, professor at the University of Wismar (Hochschule Wismar), Ph. D. (Wismar, Germany) - “Pandemic as an accelerator of new technologies? Legal Sciences, Legal Advice and Artificial Intelligence "; 9. Vasilkova Svetlana, Director of the Research Center for Comparative Law and Strategic Initiatives for the Development of the National Fuel and Energy Complex of St. . n. - " Legal support for the development of the oil and gas complex of the Russian Federation"; 10. Kalugina Yana, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Banks, Financial Markets and Insurance, Ph. D. (St. Petersburg, Russia) - " Support for small business in the new era through the prism of banks: illusion or reality? " 11. Gabriella Marcelja, President of SIRIUS GLOBAL - Academic Diplomacy 4. 0 and International Medical Community (IMC) - EU Vaccination Passports (Rome, Italy) 13. 00 - 14. 00 break 14. 00 - 18. 00 Work within the sections: Section of Theory and History of State and Law Section of Constitutional and Administrative Law Section on Business and Energy Law Financial Law Section Section of criminal law and criminal procedure Section of Civil and Corporate Law Section of Young Scientists (Center for Creative Projects of the Law Firm of St. Petersburg State University of Economics).
Live broadcast of the Plenary session on the YouTube channel of the SPbSEU at the link: https: //youtu. be/bACZKEncPrs