Dialogue 1. Exercise 4. Read the dialogue 2 out loud with your partner.Dialogue 2Dialogue 1 Kate: Pete, have you moved to a new flat? Pete: Yes, we have. Our new address is: Flat 22, 16 Lesnaya Street. Kate: Is it far from the centre of the city? Pete: It takes me about forty minutes to get to the University by bus. Kate: What floor is your flat on? Pete: It's on the fourth floor. There are nine storeys in the house. Kate: Is there a lift? Pete: Of course, there is. Kate: How many rooms are there in your flat? Pete: There are two rooms, a kitchen, a hall and a bathroom in it. One room is 20 sq. m. and the other is 30 sq. m. The kitchen is rather large; it serves as a dining-room. Kate: You have all modern conveniences, haven't you? Pete: Yes, we have, even a chute for refuse. Well, next Sunday we are going to have a house - warming party. Come and see it with your own eyes. Kate: I’ll be delighted. Exercise 2. Match the following questions and the answers.
1) It takes hum about forty minutes to get to the University by bus. 2) His new address is: Flat 22, 16 Lesnaya Street. 3) There are two rooms, a kitchen, a hall and a bathroom in it. 4) There are nine storeys in the house. Exercise 3. Act out the scene with your partner. Exercise 4. Read the dialogue 2 out loud with your partner. Dialogue 2 Ann: Have you got a flat of your own? Alice: Certainly. I have a flat of my own. Ann: Is the flat large? Alice: Rather. We have three rooms, a kitchen, a hall and a bathroom. Ann: Are there all modern conveniences in the flat? Alice: Yes, there are. There is hot and cold water, central heating, gas and electricity, of course. Ann: What is your room like? Alice: The room faces south-east. It is not very large, but very comfortable. As for me, I don’t like much furniture. There is nothing superfluous in my room. On the left, there is a cosy sofa and a small brown table near it, at the window there is my old writing-desk, in the right-hand corner there is a dressing - table. Near it, there is a built-in wardrobe where I keep my clothes. Ann: Have you got a TV set? Alice: Yes, we have, but it is in the living room where we usually sit in the evenings. Exercise 5. Ask the questions. The following sentences can be answers. 1) Alice has got a flat. ( a flat of her own) 2) Alice has got electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone. (modern conveniences) 3) The dining room is cozy and comfortable. ( Alice’s room) 4) Her family usually spends a lot of time in the living room in the evenings. (a TV set)
1) Discussing a new flat. 2) Furnishing a new flat 3) About your flats Exercise 1. Look through the text and get ready to do the tasks. Notes: 1. fascinating [`fæ sineitih]-очаровательных 2. a whole heap-целое множество 3. a franchise [ `fræ ntò aiz]-специальное разрешение, выданное или проданное кампанией одному лицу или группе людей на продажу товаров или услуг, производимой данной кампанией. 4. yuppie shops [jÙ pi]-магазины для хорошо обеспеченных людей 5. to pop up-v. внезапно появляться, возникать My name is Sara O'Connor. I live in Newtown, Sydney. . I work just down the road in Woolloomooloo. I have lived in Newtown for 5 years... and have lived right in King Street for almost 6 months. 1. Which of these is not true? 1) Sara O’Conner s a citizen of Sydney. 2) She has lived on King Street for 4 years. 3) The Old Man who sits outside the Post Office is a fascinating character. 2. What is popping up? 1) new hotels 2) new pubs 3) new franchises and yuppie shops 3. What would be interesting for Sara O’ Connor to know? 1) what the real locals think about the street 2) what the real locals think about new franchises and yuppie shops popping up 3) what the real locals think about her work Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the question: What conclusion can we draw about Sarah Parker? 1) she misses her life in Mudgeeraba street. 2) she misses her relatives 3) she lives in the city Notes: Gum trees - Эвкалипты Big Red Kangaroos [kæ hgə `ru: ] a gradual influx [ `inflÙ ks] - постепенный приток to escape over - ускользать hectare[ `hekta: ] - гектар paddock [`pæ də k] - лужайка, выгон, 2. австрал. Поле, участок земли mud - грязь, слякоть neighbourly [`neibə li] - добрососедский, дружественный gossip - болтовня, беседа innocence [`inə sns] - невинность, простота, наивность My name is Sarah Parker. I have lived in my street for 16 years. With my grandparents we were the first people to build in that area, this was around the 1970's. Over the 16 years, there was a gradual influx of people into the area. All the kids would get together while the parents would be drinking at a neighbour’s house; we would escape over to the 1000 hectares of horse paddocks or swim in the mud rivers, we would talk about our dreams and tell some lies. I often wondered if I would leave this area of Gum trees, Big Red Kangaroos and neighbourly gossip.