Дата: 10.04.2020 (2 часа)19-11 АТ Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности Практическое занятие 59-60 Практическое занятие «Основные функции компьютера». Практическое занятие «Аппаратное и программное обеспечение компьютера». Цель: Изучение лексики по теме, говорение, чтение и отработка в упражнениях. Unit 1
A personal computer is a machine designed to follow instructions, which are called programs or software. The same computer can perform many different tasks by changing the software. The number of computer programs is almost unlimited. Business and financial. A computer is an ideal tool for managing a company's books. It can easily, rapidly, and accurately calculate financial information. The computer can process your data and display your figures in many forms. Writing and editing. Word-processing is the single most popular task for personal computers today. Unlike a typewriter, your words don't appear on paper right away. That's why you can make any changes you like, erase or insert something, check spelling, etc. Desktop publishing. Desktop publishing allows you even more creative freedom in your writing and page design. Your final printed copy can be in many colours and with photographs. Storage and retrieval. All computers have a good memory. They can retain words, numbers, and pictures in enormous quantities. Your database can hold any kind of information that's important to you. Drafting and drawing. Any small computer can perform mechanical drawing or drafting. You can create your draft on the computer screen quickly and easily. Graphic art. Using a computer you can create all sorts of images that are not possible with other media. Computer graphics are also used in business (for example, multicoloured pie charts, transparencies and others). Communications. Computers can exchange information in a simple, efficient way. Using the modem, and other communications software, your computer can communicate with another computer. Music. Today many electronic musical instruments, especially keyboards, can be connected to personal computers. An electronic keyboard sends musical tones to your computer in electronic form, then a computer alters the sounds and sends it back to the keyboard. Or sounds can be synthesized on the computer and then sent to the instrument to play. Games. Computers make some of the best game-playing partners. Both children and adults enjoy playing computer games. There are many other uses of personal computers, too numerous to mention. Unit 2 Тематический текст Список активной лексики Упражнения для развития навыков устной речи и перевода Упражнения по совершенствованию навыков владения грамматическим материалом Словарь компьютерных терминов Computers origins The first suggestion that a machine for mathematical computation could be built was made more than a hundred years ago by the mathematician Charles Babbage. We now realize that he understood clearly all the fundamental principles of modern computers. Babbage was born in Devonshire, England, 1792. He did not receive a good education, but he taught himself mathematics so well that when he went in Cambridge, he found that he knew more algebra than his tutor. At that time mathematics in Cambridge was still under the influence of Newton and was quite unaffected by the contemporary developments on the continent. Charles Babbage was outstanding among his contemporaries because he insisted on practical application of science and mathematics. For example, he wrote widely on the economic advantages of mass productions and on the development of machine tools. In 1812 he was sitting in his room looking at a table of logarithms which he knew to be full of mistakes, when an idea occurred to him of computing all tabular functions by machinery. Babbage constructed a small working model which he demonstrated in 1822. The Royal Society supported the project and Babbage was promised a subsidy. In 1833 he began to think of building a machine which was in fact the first universal digital computer, as the expression is understood today. Babbage devoted the rest of his life to an attempt to develop it. He had to finance all of the work himself and he was only able to finish part of the machine though he prepared thousands of detailed drawings from which it could be made. Babbage wrote more than 80 books and papers, bur he was misunderstood by his contemporaries and died a disappointed man in 1871. He tried to solve by himself and with his own resources a series of problems which in the end required the united efforts of two generations of engineers. After his death his son continued his work and built part of an arithmetic’s unit, which printed out its results directly on paper. Vocabulary: to insist - настаивать table - таблица to devote - посвящать to continue - продолжать Fundamental principals – основные принципы Advantage - преимущество to print - распечатать to finance - финансировать computation - вычисление
I. Translate the words from Russian into English 1) Математические вычисления_____________________________________________ 2) Основные принципы____________________________________________________ 3) Хорошее образование____________________________________________________ 4) Практическое применение науки и математики______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5) Экономические преимущества производства________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6) Логарифм______________________________________________________________ 7) Подсчет функций при помощи машины____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 8) Конструировать_________________________________________________________ 9) Рабочая модель_________________________________________________________ 10) Цифровой компьютер___________________________________________________ 11) Арифметический центр_________________________________________________ 12) Распечатать результаты_________________________________________________ 13) Основные принципы современных компьютеров____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 14) Математик____________________________________________________________ 15) Финансировать________________________________________________________
II. Complete the sentences. 1) Babbage was born... ______________________________________________. 2) Charles Babbage was outstanding because... __________________________________________________________________. 3) Babbage constructed... ____________________________________________. 4) In 1833 he began... ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________. 5) When he went to Cambridge... _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________. 6) Babbage devoted... _______________________________________________. 7) Babbage wrote... __________________________________________________. 8) He was misunderstood... ___________________________________________. 9) Babbage was promised... ___________________________________________. 10) His son built... __________________________________________________. 11) Babbage did not receive... _________________________________________. 12) He understood clearly... __________________________________________. III. Agree or disagree. 1) Babbage knew more algebra than his tutor in Cambridge. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) He received a good education. _________________________________________________________________________ 3) Babbage was born in Cambridge. _________________________________________________________________________ 4) Babbage insisted on the practical application of science and mathematics. _________________________________________________________________________ 5) Babbage constructed a small working model and demonstrated it in 1833. _________________________________________________________________________ 6) The Royal Society financed all of the work. _________________________________________________________________________ 7) Babbage finished his machine in 1871. _________________________________________________________________________ 8) He was misunderstood by contemporaries. _________________________________________________________________________ 9) Babbage taught himself mathematics very well. _________________________________________________________________________ 10) Mathematics in Cambridge was under the influence of Babbage. _________________________________________________________________________ 11) Babbage wrote on the economic advantages of mass productions. _________________________________________________________________________ 12) Babbage died a disappointed man in 1833. _________________________________________________________________________
IV. Answer the questions to the text. 1) When was the first suggestion about computers made? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) When did Babbage demonstrate a small working model? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Did anybody finance all of the work? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) When did Babbage die? _________________________________________________________________________ 5) Who continued his work? _________________________________________________________________________ 6) He did not receive good education, did he? _________________________________________________________________________ 7) Why was Babbage outstanding among his contemporaries? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8) Who wrote on the economic advantages of mass productions? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9) Who built apart of an arithmetic unit after his death? _________________________________________________________________________ 10) When did he begin to think of building a machine? _________________________________________________________________________ 11) At that time mathematics in Cambridge was under the influence of Newton, wasn't it? _________________________________________________________________________ 12) Did Babbage finish his work? _________________________________________________________________________ V. Translate the sentences. 1) Первый компьютер был разработан Чарльзом Беббиджем более 100 лет назад. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) В 1822 г. Беббидж сконструировал небольшую рабочую модель. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Ч. Беббидж написал более 80-и книг. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) В 1833 г. он начал разрабатывать первый универсальный цифровой компьютер. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) После его смерти сын продолжил его работу. _________________________________________________________________________________________