Subject: Methodic of the English language
Lesson 5 Week: 5 Subject: Methodic of the English language Groups: 206 Theme: Methods and techniques in Foreign Language Teaching Teaching techniques (приёмы обучения): 1) pair work (парная работа) – children work in pairs; 2) group work (групповая работа) – children work in groups; 3) individual work (индивидуальная работа) – child works independently; 4) feedback (рефлексия) – special technique which helps to elicit how pupils learn new material, attitude to the lesson, children’s mood; For reflection of the mood and emotional state of pupils at the end of the lesson and their attitude to the lesson teacher gives pupils the set of cards with the “smiles” of joy and interest, indifference and ordinariness, sadness and boredom. For reflection of pupils’ activity at the lesson teacher gives pupils cards where they must underline one point:
For reflection of content of educational material teacher gives “Signal cards” of different colours:
Methods of teaching (методы обучения): 1) TPR (total physical response – метод полного физического реагирования) - was founded by James Asher. In this method, both language and body movements are synchronized through action responses and use of the imperative (direct commands): “Stand up”, “Go to the door”, "Sit down", etc. TPR is very effective in teaching temporal states, personal pronouns, and other deep grammatical structures. 2) Method of problem teaching (метод проблемного обучения) – teacher sets a problem in front of children, which they should solve; 3) Method of searching (поисковой метод) – children have to search some information; 4) Audio-lingual (аудио-лингвальный) method suggests listening; teacher develops children’s auditory skills ; 5) Audio-visual (аудио-визуальный) method suggests listening relying on pictures/videos; 6) Game method-( игровой метод) includes didactic games – through a game teacher teaches children метод дидактических игр (обучающих игр); 7) Demonstrative (наглядный) method– the main aim of this method that children perceive information visually through pictures, realias, toys; 8) Personally-centered (личностно-ориентированный) method is directed to revealing each child’s identity; 9) Method of projects (проектный метод) children make own mini-projects; 10) Situational method (ситуационный метод) – children are involved in the situation or imagine it; 11) explanatory and illustrative (объяснительно-иллюстративный) – a teacher explains something using illustrations/pictures/posters ; 12) multilevel teaching (разноуровневое обучение) a teacher should consider the level of children’s knowledge and prepare different tasks: for gifted and lagging pupils; 13) method of practical exercises (метод практических упражнений) – a teacher should use practical exercises for consideration or revision new material; 14) oral presentation method (метод устного объяснения) a teacher explains material orally ;