Прочитай тексты и напиши к каждому из них подходящий заголовок. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Прочитай тексты и напиши к каждому из них подходящий заголовок. a) Good pupil. b) At School. c) After School. d) In the morning. 1. Ann gets up very early. She gets up at half past seven. She likes to get up early in the morning. She washes her face and hands, dresses and has breakfast. Sometimes she has eggs, jam, and milk for breakfast. 2. At half past eight she goes to school. She has five classes on Monday and Thursday. She has six classes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Ann never has classes on Saturday and on Sunday. 3. Ann is always on time for her classes. She likes school very much. She likes her teacher Miss Reed and her school friends. Ann is a very good pupil. She can read very well. She can count well too. At half past twelve Ann has lunch. It is an apple, a cake, and a cup of tea. 4. At half past four Ann is at home. She helps her granny, and plays on the computer. In the evening Ann reads books and plays with her little sister. II. Вставь в текст пропущенные слова.
London is the _____________ of Great Britain. It is very __________ city. London is one of the most ____________ and interesting ___________ in Europe. There are __________ of places to visit in London. There a lot of ___________, art ________, cinemas, theatres and __________ parks in London. III. Choose the right verb: 1. Peter (work/worked/is working) at the moment. 2. Usually I (spend/am spending/will spend) simmer holidays at the seaside. 3. The pupils (play/are playing/will play) chess tomorrow. 4. Last year we (go/went/have gone) abroad. 5. They just (translate/are translating/have translated) a difficult text. IV. Complete the questions . 1. Mary has just made a new dress, … ? 2. The pupils like History, …? 3. She went abroad last year, …? 4. The pupils will write a test tomorrow, … ? 5. Mary is having dinner now, …?