Женщина в комнате
| There is a woman in the room
Дети были в комнате
| There were kids in the room
Во дворе дети
| There are children in the yard
Люди на улице
| There are people in the street
В кафе 5 человек
| There are 5 people in the cafe
В городе было 2 машины
| There were 2 cars in the city
В парке было 4 мужчины
| There were 4 men in the park
В школе 3 учителя
| There are 3 teachers at school
В кармане деньги
| There is money in the pocket
В рюкзаке учебники
| There are textbooks in the backpack
В комнате стол
| There is a table in the room
Компьютер на столе
| There is a computer on the table
Подушки были на диване
| There were pillows on the sofa
На улице машины
| There are many cars outside
В моем доме было 2 стола
| There were 2 tables in my house
В моём доме 4 окна
| There are 4 windows in my house
Мои друзья в машине
| There are my friends in the car
Фанаты на стадионе
| There are fans at the stadium
Девушки были на сцене
| There were girls on the stage
На кухне был диван
| There was a sofa in the kitchen
В ванной Человек-Паук
| There is a spider-man in the bathroom
В театре много актёров
| There are many actors in the theatre
В ванной полотенце
| There is a towel in the bathroom
В моём саду было 3 женщины
| There were 3 women in my garden
В городе 2 моста
| There are 2 bridges in the city
На стене шкаф
| There is a cupboard on the wall
На площади памятник
| There is a monument on the square
На кухне печка
| There is a cooker in the kitchen
Игрушка была под диваном
| There was a toy under the sofa
3 стула на кухне
| There are 3 chairs in the kitchen
Мужчина возле туалета
| There is a man near the toilet
В ванной нет душа
| There is no shower in the bathroom
На моей кровати нет подушки
| There is no pillow on my bed
В гостиной нет телевизора
| There is no TV in the living room
На столе нет журналов
| There are no magazines on the table
Возле дома нет туалета
| There is no toilet near the house
В моем саду нет цветов
| There are no flowers in my garden
На улице нет детей
| There are no children outside
На озере нет людей
| There are no people at the lake
На кухне нет дивана
| There is no sofa in the kitchen
На полу нет воды
| There is no water on the floor
В бассейне нет людей
| There are no people in the pool
В моем кабинете нет письменного стола
| There is no writing desk in my study
Посреди комнаты нет стульев
| There are no chairs in the middle of the room
Там на улице много машин?
| Are there many cars outside?
В квартире есть столы?
| Are there tables in the flat?
Там много людей?
| Are there many people there?
Там мужчина на крыше?
| Is there a man on the roof?
На вечеринке есть девчонки?
| Are there girls at the party?
В ванной есть полотенце?
| Is there a towel in the bathroom?
Там на кухне есть 4 стула?
| Are there 4 chairs in the kitchen?
В театре есть актёр?
| Is there an actor in the theatre?
Во дворе есть деревья?
| Are there trees in the yard?
На крыше есть яблоня?
| Is there an apple tree on the roof?
Это айфон в твоём кормане?
| Is there an iPhone in your pocket?
На кухне есть печка?
| Is there a cooker in the kitchen?
Там карта на стене?
| Is there a map on the wall?
Справа книга
| There is a book on the right
Слева зеркала
| There are mirrors on the left
На улице было много людей
| There were many people in the street
На столе книги
| There are books on the table
На вечеринке было так много девушек
| There were so many girls at the party
Под стулом игрушка
| There is a toy under the chair
Под диваном журналы
| There are magazines under the sofa
В машине была красивая женщина
| There was a beautiful woman in the car
За дверью твоя сестра
| There is your sister behind the door
В моём кармане было 500 рублей
| There was about 500 rubles in my pocket
За стулом твои игрушки
| There are your toys behind the chair
Перед кроватью его брат
| There is his brother in front of the bed
Перед домом магазины
| There are shops in front of the house
В поле было так много лошадей
| There were so many horses in the field
В спальне мои родители
| There are my parents in the bedroom
На ютубе было хорошее интервью Моргана
| There was a good interview on YouTube by Morgan
В ресторане было только 2 официанта
| There were only two waiters in the restaurant.
Между стулом и диваном зеркало
| There is a mirror between the chair and the sofa
В сумке было много денег
| There was a lot of money in the bag.
Там был мой лучший друг
| There was my best friend there
Возле кровати кресло
| There is an armchair near the bed
Рядом с автобусной остановкой его брат
| There is his brother next to the bus stop
В спортзале был сильный мужчина
| There was a strong man at the gym.
На мероприятии было 100 человек
| There were 100 people at the event
В комнате девочка
| There is a girl in the room
В центре комнаты дети
| There are kids in the middle of the room
В аудитории было много студентов
| There were many students in the audience
В центре комнаты карандаши
| There are pencils in the middle of the room
На стене не было обоев
| There were no wallpapers on the wall.
В гостиной нет дивана
| There is no sofa in the living room
На улице не было людей
| There were no people in the street
Там не людей на сцене
| There are no people on the stage
В коридоре нет зеркала
| There is no mirror in the corridor
В бассейне было немного воды (мало)
| There wasn't much water in the pool
В вазе нет цветов
| There are no flowers in the vase
В ванной нет полотенца
| There is no towel in the bathroom
В парке не было женщин и мужчин
| There were no women and men in the park.
Там мужчина на крыше?
| Is there a man on the roof?
Там в ванной есть полотенце?
| Is there a towel in the bathroom?
Там на кухне есть 4 стула?
| Are there 4 chairs in the kitchen?
Там во дворе есть деревья?
| Are there trees in the yard?
На этой площади было 4 статуи?
| Were there 4 statues on this square?
На улице был дедушка?
| Was there a grandfather in the street?
Там карта выше зеркала?
| Is there a map above the mirror?
Там завод посередине поля?
| Is there a plant in the middle of the field?
В этом дворе было много собак?
| Were there many dogs in this yard?
Там стены за горой?
| Are there walls behind the mountain?
Там было 3 вылета каждый час?
| Were there 3 flights every hour?
На парковке есть машины?
| Are there cars at the parking lot?
Там нет проблем
| There is no problem
Там не было людей
| There were no people there
Там не будет людей
| There will be no people there