There is a … in the …..
| | | | | | | | | | name: ………………………….. class: ………………………..
| | | | | | | | | | | | |

| think
| | and
| circle
| |

| the
| sentences
There is a ………………… in the ………………..
There is a ………………… in the ………………..
There is a ………………… in the ……………….
There is a ………………… in the ………………
There is a ………………… in the ………………..
There is a ………………… in the ………………..
| | | | | | | | | | | | name: ………………………….. class: ………………………..
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| think
| | and
| circle
| | 
| the
| sentences
There is a ………………… in the ………………..
There is a ………………… in the ………………..
There … a ………………… in the ……………….
There … … ………………… in the ………………
……….. …. …. ………………… in the ………………..
……….. …. …. ………………… ….. ……. ………………..
What is wrong
| Type of activity
| Worksheet
| Interaction Pattern
| Individual
| Vocabulary
| Sofa –fridge – toilet – stove –table – bed – bedroom – bathroom – living room – dining room - kitchen
| Language Skills
| Reading - Writing
| Objectives
| Ø To identify the misplaced objects.
Ø To write a sentence about each misplaced object. [There is a stove in the bedroom]
| Accompanying resources
| Worksheet – Word bank
| Teacher instructions
| ü Provide each student with a worksheet.
ü Ask students to look at the rooms then circle what is wrong in each room.
ü Ask student to write a sentence about each wrong object.