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Номер группы: 481. Тема занятия: Отопление и вентиляция.. Работа над текстом. Heating and ventilation


Дата:06.11.2020 г.

Номер группы: 481

Дисциплина:ОГСЭ 03 «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности»

Тема занятия: Отопление и вентиляция.

Цель:изучить новые лексические единицы и уметь грамотно использовать при переводе технического текста.

План занятия:

1.  Просмотр видеоролика https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLes1-GcWjQ

2. Работа над текстом

-Прочитайте текст. Источник, где вы можете найти транскрипцию слова или можете прослушать правильное чтение незнакомого слова: https://wooordhunt.ru/ 

-Переведите текст. Источник, с помощью которого вы можете посмотреть значение незнакомых слов: https://www.translate.ru/

Heating and ventilation

Heating and ventilation (also HVAC  from the English. Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning) - technology for maintaining within the specified limits of air parameters: temperature, humidity and chemical composition in the interior and interior of the car (climate control).

The HVAC system is an important component of the development of industrial and administrative buildings, as well as swimming pools, where safe and comfortable conditions for temperature and humidity are maintained by the supply of outdoor air. It is an essential attribute of a modern smart home.

The main objectives of climate control (HVAC) are •

* creating and maintaining a comfortable microclimate for humans, plants, animals, or material items (equipment, works of art, etc.) within a building or structure;

* saving energy spent on creating and maintaining a microclimate.

This can be either a living room, or the interior of a car, spacecraft, or other structure or room.

Climate control is carried out using the following engineering systems: Underfloor heating (electric and water), radiators, fan coils, air conditioning and ventilation systems, humidifiers and dehumidifiers, ionizers, etc. Therefore, for an integrated climate control system ("climate control"), there is a need to ensure coordinated management of all these devices.

When the microclimate management system is running smoothly, various elements of engineering systems should not conflict with each other within a given room or structure. When properly configured, devices behave differently in different situations: when Windows are open or closed, when people are present or absent, during different periods of the day and days of the week (weekends and holidays/weekdays), depending on changes in energy pricing, and so on.

Ventilation (from lat. ventilatio — ventilation) - movement of gases under the influence of a pressure difference without the use of closed channels. [1]

It is most often used to remove exhaust air from the room and replace it with outdoor air. If necessary, it is carried out: air conditioning, filtration, heating or cooling, humidification or dehumidification, ionization, etc. Ventilation provides sanitary and hygienic conditions (temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and air purity) of the indoor air environment that are favorable for human health and well-being, meet the requirements of sanitary standards, technological processes, building structures, storage technologies, etc.

Also, this term in engineering often refers to systems of equipment, devices and devices for these purposes.

Separate methods of organized ventilation of closed rooms were used in ancient times. Ventilation of premises until the beginning of the XIX century was reduced, as a rule, to natural ventilation. The theory of natural air movement in channels and pipes was created by M. V. Lomonosov. In 1795, V. X. Fribe first outlined the main provisions that determine the intensity of air exchange in a heated room through the leaks of external fences, doorways and Windows, thus beginning the doctrine of the neutral zone.

The main purpose of ventilation is to fight harmful secretions in the room. Harmful emissions include •

* excessive heat;

•excess moisture;

• various gases and vapors of harmful substances;


Types of ventilation systems

Ventilation system — a set of devices for processing, transporting, supplying and removing air. Ventilation systems are classified according to the following criteria:

• By the method of creating pressure and moving air: with natural and artificial (mechanical) motivation

• Intended use: supply and exhaust

• According to the method of organization of air exchange: General exchange, local, emergency, anti-smoke

* By design: channel and non-channel

By the amount of air per person per hour. For example, in a kitchen with a 4-burner gas stove 90 m3 / h, in a combined bathroom 50 m3/h, in a bomb shelter — at least 2.5 m3 / h, in an office space — at least 20 m3 per hour for visitors who are in the room for no more than 2 hours, for permanent people — at least 60 m3 per hour. Ventilation is calculated using the following parameters: air capacity (m3 / h), operating pressure (PA) and air flow rate in the air ducts (m/s), permissible noise level (dB), heater power (kW). The standard for air exchange is regulated by building codes and regulations (SNiP) and sanitary rules and regulations (San Pin)



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