13. Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones: 1) The Walt Disney Company goods for children have always been approved of at the market (pass. a). 2) Hollywood studios appreciate new comers with fresh ideas (pass. b). 3) Recruitment of Mr. Ross resulted in shock effect in the movie world. (pass. b) 4) Mr. Bruckheimer welcomed Mr. Ross’s actions and plans. (pass. b) 5) Euro Disney is considered to be one of the most profitable companies in France. (pass. d) 6) Euro Disney is expanding the existing Disneyland Paris Park. (pass. d) 7) Euro Disney has already been functioning for more than 20 years. (pass. d) 8) Walt Disney Company is planning to educate health care workers. (pass. e)
1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T. 7.T 8.F 14. Give the Russian equivalents for the following phrases and use them in the sentences of your own:
. an ambitious and risky march - амбициозный и рискованный проект the endeavor dances close to a flame – рискованная попытка doing more than talking – не останавливаться на речах
15. Fill in the right preposition (more than one preposition is possible): 1) agreement with smth. 2) experience in smth. 3) at hospital 4) smidgen of smth. 5) pay attention to smth. 6) to be satisfied with smth. 7) look at the patient 8) direct at smb. 9) dance to music 10) partnership with smb. 16. Match the words to build up phrases (more than one variant is possible); give the situations where these phrases can be used:
1 g 2 e 3 f 4 b 5 a 6c 7 d 17. Fill in the right word given below: 1) Their site offers news and information about upcoming domestic and international movie … . 2) Gaylord Hotels signed an … with DreamWorks Animation in April, cementing a four-year … that will allow the destination hotels to use the characters as part of their annual events. 3) Australian cinema-goers pay more for their Harry Potter … than anyone else in the Western world. 4) Battle scenes are … to what the characters say, do, and feel. 5) The success of this movie is really a matter of … . 6) He was much involved into the … rollout of the movie. a. partnership; b. releases; c. experience; d. secondary; e. circumstance; f. agreement; g. unconventional 1. b 2.f/a 3.c 4.d 5.e 6.g 18. Fill in the best word from the active vocabulary list to complete the following proverbs; think of the appropriate translation: