Дата: 29.04.2020 (2 часа). Engineering drawingСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Дата: 29.04.2020 (2 часа) КЦПТ_19-11 АТ _Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности Практическое занятие 65-66 Практическое занятие «Геометрическое и проекционное черчение» Практическое занятие «Машиностроительное черчение» Цель: Изучение лексики по теме, чтение и перевод текстов, отработка в упражнениях. Рекомендации по выполнению заданий: 1. Тексты 1 и 2 предназначены для чтения и перевода устно. 2. Текст №3 необходимо прочитать и выполнить письменный перевод в тетради и отправить готовую работу преподавателю.
1.Engineering drawing Engineering drawing practices the comments so far refer to drawing offices in general and typical organizational arrangements which are likely to be found within the engineering industry. Good communication by the use of drawings of quality relies on ensuring that they conform to established standards. BS 5070, Parts 1, 3 and 4 dealing with engineering diagram drawing practice, is a companion standard to BS 8888 and caters for the same industries; it provides recommendations on a wide variety of engineering diagrams. Commonly, as a diagram can be called a ‘drawing’ and a drawing can be called a ‘diagram’, it is useful to summarize the difference in the scopes of these standards. BS 8888 covers what are commonly accepted to be drawings that define shape, size and form. BS 5070 Parts 1, 3 and 4 covers diagrams that are normally associated with flow of some sort, and which relate components (usually indicated by symbols) functionally one to another by the use of lines, but do not depict their shape, size or form; neither may they in general indicate actual connections or locations. Therefore, any drawing or diagram, whether produced manually or on computer aided drawing equipment, must conform to established standards and will then be of a satisfactory quality for commercial understanding, use and transmission by electronic and microfilming techniques. All of the examples which follow conform to the appropriate standards.