Exercise 3. Read and translate the text ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Exercise 3. Read and translate the text TUBERCULOSIS Tuberculosis (TB) (from Latin tubersulum meaning 'tubercle') is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (bacillus Kochii) and in most cases affecting lungs. Apart from lungs, it may affect bones and joints, urogenital apparatus, lymphatic nodes, eyes, nervous system, alimentary canal, skin as well as other body organs and tissues. The key agent of the infection is an individual having pulmonary tuberculosis and releasing mycobacteria from his respiratory passages. Besides, the source of infection may be farm animals, birds, fish as well as foods of animal and plant origin (meat, milk, etc.), contaminated with mycobacteria. Routes of entry into human body: · Through respiratory passages (with the drops of infected person's sputum, with infected dust). · Through gastrointestinal tract (with contaminated food, milk and meat obtained from infected animals). · Through injured skin (this risk is typical for anatomic pathologists, laboratory workers, veterinarians). · Through prenatal route from an infected mother to her fetus. Peculiar characteristic of tuberculosis progress: When infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, healthy people do not always develop symptoms and the disease does not always progress as human immune system suppresses activity of the bacteria. Tuberculosis progresses when the immune system is weakened and loses its ability to fight Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which leads to reproduction of the bacteria and development of smear-positive tuberculosis. Risk groups vulnerable to tuberculosis include people living in unsatisfactory social and economic conditions, having chronic diseases and bad habits.
Exercise 4. Match the word combinations and translate:
Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents: Вызванный микробактериями, туберкулез, кости и суставы, источник инфекции, возбудитель инфекции, через дыхательные пути, продукты животного происхождения, капельки мокроты зараженного человека, ослабленная иммунная система, подавлять активность бактерии, социально-экономические условия, положительный мазок туберкулеза, вредный привычки. Exercise 6. Read and translate the words in brackets:
In the early stage of (туберкулез) the patient usually complains of a general malaise, (усталость), loss of appetite and (масса тела). (Кашель) may be dry or productive, i. e. with (мокрота) discharge. Coughing becomes worse at (ночь) and in the morning. In patients with cavities in the (легкие) coughing is accompanied by a (значителдьный) discharge of sputum. Sputum is (слизисто-гнойный). Its (микроскопический) examination reveals a large number of (гнойный) corpuscles, (эритроциты), and tuberculosis organisms. (Кровь) in the sputum is sometimes the first (признак) of tuberculosis. (Лихорадка) is one of the permanent (симптомы) of pulmonary tuberculosis. In benign processes the body (температура) is often subfebrile. In (активный) forms it may range to 39°C. A (значительный) elevation of temperature is observed in (пневмонический, легочный) forms. Cold profuse (потоотделение) at night is sometimes (признак) of a severe form of tuberculosis. Loss of body (вес) is one of the typical (признаки) of pulmonary tuberculosis. It is caused by tuberculosis (интоксикация), a sharp increase in the (метаболический) rate and of appetite.
Exercise 7. Answer the following questions: 1. What is tuberculosis? 2. Who discovered the agent of tuberculosis? 3. What organs may be affected during this disease? 4. What are source of infection? 5. What way can tuberculosis route into human body? 6. When does tuberculosis progress? 7. When does disease not always progress? 8. What is risk group? 9. Are there any cough? 10. What is the first sign of tuberculosis? 11. What is one of the permanent symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis?