Chemistry in modern life. Упр.1. Прочитать и перевести текст. Упр. 2. Найти в тексте слова и выражения (записать)Chemistry in modern life Chemistry is of great importance in modern life. It is all around us. Every aspect of our lives is touched by chemistry. It is well known that the element carbon plays an important role in the life on Earth. The importance of carbon chemistry for man is great. Many of the little everyday things would be quite impossible without it and its compounds. Many carbon compounds play a vital role in our lives. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen can be combined and form a great number of compounds. Alcohols, organic acids and their derivatives, esters and soaps find use in our life. Nutrition is inseparably linked with chemistry. The role of chemistry in the improvement of nutrition is great. For example, food additives made by chemists, help to preserve our foods better and also make the taste and appearance of our food more pleasant. With the help of chemistry different vitamins are produced more cheaply than they could be obtained from natural sources. Chemistry is also widely used in cosmetics, for example in the manufacture of lipstick, face powder and perfumes. Many drugs are produced in chemical labs.
Упр.1. Прочитать и перевести текст Упр. 2. Найти в тексте слова и выражения (записать) Элемент углерод; органическая химия; водород; кислород; соединение; спирт; кислота; эфир; производные; пищевые добавки; вкус и внешний вид; витамины; природный источник; помада, пудра и духи; лаборатория. Упр.3. Ответить на вопросы по содержанию текста А) Why is chemistry of great importance? b) What element plays an important role in the life on Earth? c) What elements form a great number of compounds? d) What finds use in our life? e) What is inseparably linked with chemistry? f) What do food additives make? g) Where is Chemistry also widely used?