


Случайная статья

What are the internal organs?. The internal organs are

 1. What are the internal organs?

The internal organs are

duodenum – двенадцатиперстная кишка
pancreas – поджелудочная железа
small intestine – тонкая кишка
large intestine – толстая кишка
rectum –прямая кишка
appendix – аппендикс
heart – сердце
spleen – селезенка
kidney – почка
liver– печень
lung – легкое
– желудок                                                                                                   esophagus – пищевод

2. What body systems do you know?

respiratory – дыхательная
digestive – пищеварительная
cardiovascular – сердечно-сосудистая
lymphatic – лимфатическая
urinary – мочевыделительная
endocrine – эндокринная
nervous – нервная
reproductive – репродуктивная
muscular - мышечная

3. What parts of the human body do you know?

Head –голова
Trunk/torso – туловище
Upper and lower limbs – верхняя и нижняя конечности


4. What does the skull include?

The skull include
Upper and lower jaw –верхняя и нижняя челюсти
at the dorsal side there isdorsal chamber(спинная камера?)which includes thebrain(мозг)and thespinal canal(позвоночный канал)

5. How many bones on the framework of the hand? The structure of the hand.

27 bones
hand – кисть руки
wrist – запястье
– ладонь
5 fingers – 5 пальцев:
thumb – большой палец
index finger - указательный
middle finger - средний
ring finger - безымянный
little finger
- мизинец

6. What is the cardiovascular system?

The cardiovascular system is the system of blood circulation which carries blood is oxygen with part of the body.


7. What parts of the head do you know?

Temples - виски
какой-то синсипьюд, не нашла нигде
nape– затылок
Upper and lower jaw –верхняя и нижняя челюсти
forehead – лоб
face - лицо

8. What is the respiratory system?

 Respiratory system is the network of organs and airways responsible for gas exchange and also allowed the oxygen enter to the lungs and then involves breathing.

9. Where are bronchial tubes and alveoli located?

There located in the lungs.


10. What does upper limb consist of?

The upper limb consists of four parts: collar-bones, shoulder-blades, shoulder, elbow, arm, forearm, wrist and hand.

11. What does lower limb consist of?

The lower limb consists of: the hips, the thigh, the knee, the ankle, the shin and the foot


12. Where is the gullet? What other organs of alimentary system do you know?

The gullet between the pharynx and stomach
Other organs: teeth, tongue, mouth, pharynx,esophagus, stomach, pancreas, small/large intestine, liver, spleen

13. What parts of the face do you know?

eyelash – ресница
nose – нос
chin – подбородок
forehead – лоб
cheek – щека
nostril – ноздря
eyebrow – бровь
lip – губа
ears – уши
mouth – рот
jaw -

14. What is the structure of foot?
sole – подошва
toe – палец ноги
heel – пятка

arch- свод стопы

instep– подъем

bridge– мостик стопы

15.Which group of the bones does the skeleton include?

Scull, vertebral column, rip cage , breast bone, collar-bones, shoulder-blades and bones of the upper and lower limbs/


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