Computer technologies in doing research5. Computer technologies in doing research
5.1 Read and memorize the following words access - доступ advance - достижение to conduct - проводить daily routine - распорядок дня diverse - разный, разнообразный to download - загружать (в память) earthquake - землетрясение on-line service - интерактивное (диалоговое) обсуждение option - выбор to restrict - ограничивать scholar - ученый science fiction - научная фантастика
5.1.1 Read the following international words and try to guess their meaning Computer technology, result, physical format, brochure, barrier, consult, bibliographical, electronic address, transmission, data, resource, global, distant, communicate, climate.
5.1.2 Choose the words with similar meaning a) to restrict, to allow, option, advance, to conduct, global, significant, primarily, to improve, environment, competition, mission.
b) right of choosing, progress, to limit, to permit, important, to direct, world- wide, to make better, essentially, contest, surroundings, assignment.
5.1.3 Match up the words for proper combination 1 routine 2 service 3 fiction 4 advance 5 research 6 means 7 environment
1 user-friendly 2 bibliographical 3 on-line 4 electronic 5 science 6 daily 7 technological 5.1.4 Read and translate the following word combinations physical access, diverse sources, research results, technological advance, area of information, global village, bibliographical research.
5.2 Read the text carefully and find the information about diverse access to documents
The link between information and computer technology has resulted in changes that until a few years ago were restricted to science fiction. Physical access to documents is no longer so important: on-line services, databases on CD-ROM, the Internet, all make access possible to diverse sources of information. If the system allows downloading, if the research results can be printed, how much does access cost, if it is to a public source.. Reading is no longer the only form of access. Now the user has the option to format: brochures, CD-ROMs, videos, audio-books, etc. Technological advance provoked an earthquake in the area of information, breaking barriers. The Global Village is a reality, changing people's daily routines, habits and customs. It is no longer necessary to go to Washington to consult the catalogue of the Library of Congress to conduct bibliographical research: its electronic address is the Open Sesame for researchers and scholars.
5.2.1 What do you think? 1 Is the link between information and computer technology still science fiction? 2 Why is physical access to documents no longer so important? 3 Why is not reading the only form of access now? 4 Why did technological advance provoke an earthquake in the area of information?
5.2.2 Entitle text 5.3 Read and translate the following words and word combinations to supersede, acquisition, unlimited access, capability, such as, access to networks, significant factor, primarily, by means of.
5.3.1 Read and translate the text Internet
In the last years the classical function of libraries has been more and more superseded by various electronic information systems which enable exchange, acquisition and transmission of information, searching, processing and storage of data and reviewing and lending of library material. As to their resources and unlimited access, no classical library at present can be compared with their capabilities of providing information. Generally speaking Internet is a global library. However, it is well known that it enables several different services, such as e-mail and access to distant computers and networks. So far, e-mail has been a significant factor in all areas of the Internet. Users of Internet may search for various data, exchange information and communicate with other users of Internet primarily by means of search engines such as Excite, 60Magellan, Point, Inktoml, Alta Vista, InfoSeek, Lycos, Open Text Index, Webcrawler, Yahoo, etc.
5.3.2 Find in the text and translate the following combinations 1 заменяется различными электронно-информационными системами; 2 накопление и передача информации; 3 поиск, обработка и хранение данных; 4 неограниченный доступ; 5 способность обеспечивать информацией; 6 вообще говоря; 7 до сих пор, пока это.
5.3.3 Choose the sentences in which it is said about 1 Как изменяется классическая функция библиотек. 2 Какие услуги предоставляет Internet. 3 Как могут обмениваться информацией и общаться друг с другом пользователи Internet.
5.3.4 Answer the following questions 1 How has the classical function of libraries been changed? 2 What services does Internet enable? 3 What may users of Internet search?
5.4 Look through the text and do the tasks to it The Internet is the latest jewel in the crown of information technology. Also known as the information super-highway, it is an international infrastructure used for data communication which is becoming as popular and relied upon as the telephone. The important characteristic of the Internet is its speed of information flow. Hence e-mail (electronic mail) travels much faster and is thus much preferred than traditional paper mail (also known as snail-mail). E-mail is also beginning to replace many phone calls. This is because e-mail allows the senders the ability to edit information before they post it. Also, e-mail allows the receiver to answer at their own leisure. Another beneficial feature of the Internet, is that being supported mostly by academic and nonprofit organizations, the information is free (after an initial connection fee). This means that this technology is not greatly restricted to or dominated by any particular economic class. In fact, the huge amount of competition between Internet service providers means that the costs related to net-usage are even beginning to decline. The fact that the information is free to the end-user has also sparked a great deal of commercial interest. Many companies are investing time and money into net-advertisements. They hope that their free promotional material can tap into the new consumer market of the computer-user. The Internet is also beginning to replace libraries as sources of research information. This is because it is current, very generalized for public consumption. The net is also better than libraries for educational reasons. Its interactive nature, encourages and motivates students more into learning. The only draw-back is that the information is not as reliable and there are often difficulties in accessing and collecting electronic information, e.g. the crashing of computer servers.
5.4.1 Translate the following combinations into English and use them in the sentences of your own известный как, полагаться на..., информационный поток, черепашья почта, способность редактировать информацию, на досуге, огромная конкуренция, потребительский рынок, общественное потребление, единственный недостаток.
5.4.2 Translate into English 1 Интернет становится таким же популярным, как и телефон. 2 Важной особенностью Интернета является скорость информационного потока. 3 Электронную почту чаще предпочитают традиционной бумажной. 4 Большой коммерческий интерес вызвал тот факт, что для конечного пользователя информация бесплатна. 5 Многие компании вкладывают деньги в рекламу в Internet. 6 Бесплатный рекламный материал может использоваться на новом потребительском рынке. 7 Информация, имеющаяся в сети не так надежна, как в библиотеке. 8 Часто возникают трудности в доступе и сборе электронной информации.
5.4.3 Speak about: a) characteristic feature of E-mail; b) the costs related to net-usage; c) the problem of replacing libraries by the Internet. 5.4.4 Skim through the text and say what it is about Unfortunately, the Internet does contain inbuilt values like most technologies. On the Internet, English dominates, the United States of America is the source of most information and the information is generally a product of the pro-technology community. But despite these prejudices of the medium, the huge popularity of the Internet has led to end-users inventing ingenious ways to overcome these problems. For example, the net allows for teleporting (via telnet facilities) to other countries. This is akin to having multiple foreign exchange students and similarly, encourages cultural bio-diversity. Also, information on the net often appears in other languages, of which Japanese and German are very common.
Notes: 1 ingenious - оригинальный; 2 akin - сродни; 3 multiple - многократный.
5.4.5 Discuss with your colleague the peculiarities of the Internet usage.