The cost of victory ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 The cost of victory The Soviet troops held out against the enormous German army, decimating and wearing it out, until a relieving force encircled the city compelling the invaders to surrender. The crushing defeat at Stalingrad was unmatched in scale, spurring the Soviet drive towards victory… In May 1945 Berlin finally fell. The famous photo of two Soviet soldiers unfurling a red flag over the Reichstag became an iconic image of World War II. It’s argued that the picture didn’t capture the actual moment of Soviet glory but was staged a day or two after the storming of the building, and even retouched by the Soviet propaganda machine. The flag is claimed to originally have been a tablecloth brought by the photographer himself. Still, this was a symbol of the USSR’s triumph… the victory that came at a colossal cost. The number of Soviet deaths was at first grossly distorted – the figure Stalin gave in 1946 was seven million. The USSR’s losses are now estimated at about 26.6 million, accounting for half of all WW2 casualties. The memory of the war, referred to as the Great Patriotic War, is particularly venerated in Russia. In the USSR the end of the war was considered to be May 9, 1945, when the German surrender took effect. The date has become a national holiday – Victory Day – and is commemorated in a grand military parade on Red Square.
Questions for control: 1. Tell us about the readiness of the Soviet Union for war 2. When did German troops encircle Leningrad? 3. How long did the blockade of Leningrad last? 4. Tell us about the difficulties experienced by the inhabitants of Leningrad during the blockade. 5. What was the name of the road connecting the city and the rest of the country? 6. How many people died as a result of the blockade? 7. When did German troops approach Moscow? 8. How was the anniversary of the victory of the revolution in Moscow celebrated on November 7, 1941? 9. What impact did the parade on Red Square have for a future victory? 10. What was the significance of Stalingrad during the war? 11. Tell us about the defense of Stalingrad? 12. What is famous for Pavlov’s House? 13. Tell us about the feat of the sniper Vasily Zaitsev. 14. Tell us about the losses of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War and Victory Day.
Tests: 1. The commander of the First Ukrainian Front, who liberated Prague, was ... a) N.F. Vatutin b) I.S. KonevА c) A.V. Rokossovsky g) G.K. Zhukov d) A.M. Vasilevsky
2. The first successful offensive operation of the Red Army in World War II occurred ... a) in the region of Brest in June 1941 b) near Kiev in August 1941 c) near Yelnya in September 1941 d) near Moscow in December 1941 e) near Stalingrad in November 1942
3. What was the code name for the operation of the Soviet troops to break the blockade of Leningrad in the winter of 1943? a) The Citadel b) Bagration c) Saturn d) "Spark" e) "Typhoon"
4. The commander of the 62nd Army, who became famous during the defense of Stalingrad, was ... a) A.N. Komarovsky b) N.M. Skomorokhov c) V.G. Grabin g) N.I. Krylov d) V.I. Chuykov
5. Where and when was the fundamental decision taken on the creation of the United Nations after the end of World War II? a) in the Atlantic conference on August 11 - 1941 on August 15 g . b) at the Tehran Conference November 28 - December 1, 1943 c) at the Crimean (Yalta) conference on February 4–11, 1945 . g) at a conference in San Francisco 25 - 26 June 1945 g . d) at the Berlin (Potsdam) Conference July 17-August 1945 g 2 .
6. In which document were the basic principles and goals of the anti-Hitler coalition set out ? a) Atlantic Charter of 1941 b) the Soviet-American agreement of 1942 c) the Soviet-English Union Treaty of 1939 d) Anti-Comintern Pact e) Lend-Lease Act
7. The plan of the Soviet counterattack near Stalingrad was called ... a) Saturn b) "Pluto" c) "Uranus" d) "Mars" e) "Ring"
8. The commander of the submarine S-13, which sank on January 30, 1945, the fascist liner Wilhelm Gustlov with 5,000 Nazis on board, was ... a) E.Ya. Osipov b) M.S. Kalinin c) A.I. Marinesco d) P.P. Malanchenko d) M.S. Kalinin
9. The largest tank battle in the history of World War II took place ... a) December 18, 1942 in the area of Kotelnikovo b) July 12, 1943 in the area of the village. Prokhorovka c ) August 17, 1943 in Sicily d) March 15, 1945 at the city of Potsdam e) November 21, 1941 near Moscow
10. What was the main significance of the Battle of Stalingrad ? a) the myth of the invincibility of the German army is dispelled b) an end to the offensive operations of the Wehrmacht c) marked by a fundamental turning point during the Great Patriotic and World War II d) the German plan of attack on Moscow was foiled e) caused the opening of a "second front" in Europe
11. The main content of the Bagration plan was ... a) the application of powerful converging attacks on the flanks of the Belarusian ledge of the German troops b) the breaking of the blockade of Leningrad in the Volkhov River area c) forcing the Dnieper and the liberation of Kiev d) the advancement of Soviet troops in the Baltic e) tank attack south of the city of Kursk
12. "East Wall" is ... a) operation of the Red Army to liberate the Crimea b) the plan of the fascist command to seize the Caucasus c) a powerful defensive line of German troops along the Dnieper d) the defensive line of the Red Army along the western border of the USSR e) the operation of the British and American troops to land in Normandy
13. Japan’s war plans were as follows: a) simultaneous warfare against the USA, USSR and England b) The primary task - the promotion of a grip of the Soviet Far East c) the primary task is the defeat of the American and British military bases in the Pacific Ocean d) postpone the war against the United States and England until the defeat of the USSR e) postpone the war against the USSR until the capture of Moscow
14. Which of the following events occurred in 1942? a ) the capture of the German Field Marshal Paulus b ) the battle of Kursk c ) the creation of the State Defense Committee d ) the lifting of the siege of Leningrad e) publication of order No. 227 “Not a step back!”
15. The unconditional surrender of Japan was signed ... a) in Tokyo b) in Moscow c) in Washington d ) on the island of Sakhalin e ) aboard the battleship USA Missouri.
16. On August 23, 1939, a non-aggression pact was signed between Germany and the Soviet Union in Moscow. I. von Ribbentrop signed for the German government . Which of the Soviet leaders affixed this act with his signature? a) I.V. Stalin b) V.M. Molotov c) G.K. Zhukov d) A.Ya. VYSHINSKY. d) V.G. Zhdanov
17. What was the main outcome of the Moscow battle? a) the German plan for "lightning war" was foiled b) the strategic initiative passed into the hands of the Soviet command c) a second front was opened in Europe d) Italy's refusal to enter the war with the Soviet Union e) German troops suffered a decisive defeat in the war