Add nouns in the box to the groups of words they go with a-h. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Think of three reasons why this boy wouldn’t want to go to school. ü Can you relate to the boy in this picture? ü What can you remember about your primary school? ü In your opinion, what’s the ideal age to start school?
Have you ever done any of the courses in the pictures or similar courses? Work in pairs. Tell your partner about: ü where you did the course ü why you did it ü how long it lasted ü what the tutors / other students were like ü whether or not it was worth doing
Vocabulary. Describing courses. Add nouns in the box to the groups of words they go with a-h.
a) write an ˜ / hand in an ˜ / a fifteen-hundred word ˜ b) dedicated and supportive ˜ / my personal ˜ / very helpful ˜ c) my end-of-year ˜ / my final ˜ / pass all my ˜ / fail my ˜ d) have a weekly ˜ / a group ˜ / go to a ˜ / ˜ discussions e) give a ˜ / fall asleep in a ˜ / a fascinating ˜ / ˜ theatre f) a heavy ˜ / a lighter ˜ / increase the ˜ / cope with the ˜ g) a very tight ˜ / miss the ˜ / extend a ˜ / the ˜ is Friday h) choose which ˜ to do / core ˜ / optional ˜ / the ˜ are hard Work in pairs. Use five of the collocations above to talk about the course you've done.
OPTIONAL Developing conversations. How's the course going? Look at the answers 1-6 to the question How's the course going? Two words in each answer are in the wrong position. Underline them. For example, Really well. I'm really progress it. I can't believe how much enjoying I've already made. 1. I've had a few ups and supportive of course, but the tutors have been really helpful and downs. 2. Quite well, actually. The seminar can be a bit boring, but the lectures work in groups is great. 3. OK, but I've got my final revision next week, so I'm having to do lots of exams at the moment. 4. OK, but I'm really busy. I have to hand in an deadline next week - and if I miss the essay, I'll fail. 5. Actually, I'm struggling at the moment. I just can't demanding with the workload. It's really cope. 6. To be honest, I'm finding it really term. The modules I'm doing this difficult are really hard. Work in pairs. Take turns asking 'How's the course going?' Give different answers each time.