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The structure of the topic Me and my surroundings: my family


03.09 Лексические темы (на семестр) 1.ME AND MY SURROUNDING 2.DAILY ACTIVITIES(working day+ leisure activities) 3.HOUSING 4.UNIVERSITY LIFE   Тексты для анализа 1.THE NAME 2.THE PAINTED FENCE 3.JUST GOOD FRIENDS 4.CHECKMATE 5.MY AUNT’S ADVENTURE 6.MY UNCLE OSCAR’S PARTY 7.THE STEAL 8.BROKEN ROUTINE Диалоги (темы 1-3) Истории (темы 1-3) Экспромты (темы 1-3) Музыкальные ассоциации (описание человека) Видовременные формы английского глагола «(действительный и страдательный залоги)   Переводные упражнения Тематика коммуникативных ситуаций 1.FAMILY а.when I am talking about family, I usually mean… б.Careful: siblings’wars в.To be home means.. г.Family is always.. д.Family is the mirror of the society we live in е.Family in my life ж.There are plenty family but each is unique of its own..   2.DAILY ACTIVITIES 3.HOUSING 4.UNIVERSITY LIFE
05.09 Topical vocabulary1 Unit 1(p11)+additional, ex.6, ex. 7, 10-11, pp17-18, активизация лекс. материала.   Диалог 1 (рассказываем о семье) Диалог 2(сплетничаем о знакомых) Диалог 3 (одна из ситуаций (ex.2, p.22)   **При составлении диалогов использовать а) таблицы (рр.18,19) б) разговорные модели (р21) в) лексический глоссарий +идиоматические выражения    

The structure of the topic Me and my surroundings: my family

1.The importance of the family(what it gives to a person, its functions in the modern society)

2.The problems of the modern family, types of families

3.what the family means to you

4.what the family gives to you

5.how much your parents influence on your lifestyle

6.which way the problems are solved in your family.

07. 09 1. Family in the modern society   The British family(highlights, ex.7, p.24) The American family(there, p.30) The Belarusian family (the critical analysis of the texts)   2. The main problems the modern family may face Family situations(ястребова, pp34-39) Parents influence on kid’s life(cедов, p.44-46) Generation gap(седов, pp47-49; 51-54)        
10.09 The main problems the modern family may face (продолж) Family p: child’s abuse(седов, pp69-71) Siblings’ wars Tug of love(ястребова, pp.44-46) Other types of families (comparing foster and stepfamily)          
12.09 Работа с текстами 1.THE NAME(анализ проблематики) 2. THE PAINTED FENCE (анализ проблематики)           Speak on the following statements:  
  1. Careful: name!!!
  2. When the name is give, the person is born
  3. The name : is it a bless or a curse
  4. Seven reasons for choosing the right name.
  5. Once Shakespeare said “What is the name ? The rose will stay the rose whatever call you it” but…
  6. Trendy names and how they work(if do)
  7. The name and the person’s character: friends or enemies
14.09 ГРАММАТИКА Повторение: -всп. глаголы DO, BE, HAVE -построение вопрос, разделительных вопросов, кратких ответов (Thompson p20-39(exercises); paragr 104-126(theory)        
18.09 Topical vocabulary2 Unit 2(p34)+additional, ex.4 -8, 10-12, 14-17pp 37-40, активизация лекс. материала.   Составленные ранее диалоги дополнить Табл. p.41-42 Диалог 4 (ex.4-5) Диалог 5 (ex.1, p.45)      

1.Loneliness :why people are lonely

2. Loneliness :7 ways to fight it

3.The problem of home

4. Being at home means…

5. If being married always means having home and family.

6. What does family give to a person

7.men build houses, women create home

8. Are homes different or it is the unique notion?\

19.09 ГРАММАТИКА    
20.09 Ex2-6, 11-12 pp.45-47 Checkmate (письменный перевод 1 стр)+ выписать и перевести все описания главных героев.    
21.09 21.09 Аналитическое чтение JUST GOOD FRIENDS     ГРАММАТИКА (Simple)   Roger’s line; Madelaine’s line; Roger friend’s line; Roger+Madelaine ; Roger+his friend Roger’s friend+Derek        
24.09 Topical vocabulary3 Unit 3+additional, активизация лекс. материала.        



26.09 Обсуждение текстов, музыкальная фантазия, экспромт (на заданную тему)   ЭКСПРОМТ (не более 5мин) 1. The bigger family, the bigger help 2.Generation gap: in a search for solution 3.the seven reasons for having (not having a sibling, siblings) 4.Tug of love: the new glance on the old reality 5.To be at home or to be in the house 6.Parents’ influence: in the search of balance 7.Careful: the name 8. Pets and their place      
28.09 Анализ текстов Aunt’s adventure Uncle Oscar’s party      
28.09   ГРАММАТИКА        
1.10   ЗАЧЕТНОЕ ЗАНЯТИЕ (ТЕМА1) КАРТОЧКИ, ИСТОРИИ, ПЕРЕВОД, ВЫСКАЗЫВАНИЯ-       The communicative situations to think about 1.when I am talking about family, I usually mean… 2.Careful: siblings’wars 3.To be home means.. 4.Family is always.. 5.Family is the mirror of the society we live in 6.Family in my life 7.There are plenty families but each is unique of its own



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