Vocabulary ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Vocabulary 41 Gina is married to John. He's her ____ a uncle b husband c wife d parent 42 We usually ____ the shopping in a supermarket. a make b do c have d go 43 I love this watch! It's ____. a cheap b small c beautiful d ugly 44 He doesn't have a car so he often uses public ____. a taxi b transport c car d bus 45 I don't go to ____ on Sundays. a job b office c factory d work 46 Do you like Chinese ____? a kitchen b meal c food d cook 47 They hardly ____ visit us. a ever b sometimes c never d usually 48 I'm Jeff Caine. Nice to ____ you, Mr Caine. a speak b talk c meet d watch 49 Can I help you? Thanks, but I'm just ____. a watching b looking c seeing d shopping 50 Mandy is over there. She's ____ a blue T-shirt and jeans. a having b wearing c doing d walking