


Случайная статья

happiness 2 impression 3 education 4 championship 5 action 6 development


1) Form nouns from these words . Use noun-forming suffixes. 1. happy________________     16. punish ___________________ 2. impress_______________     17. excite____________________ 3. educate_______________     18. accept____________________ 4.champion______________     19. invent____________________ 5. act____________________      20. kind_____________________ 6. develop________________      21. write_____________________ 7. art ____________________     22. weak_____________________ 8. able___________________     23. differ_____________________ 9. friend__________________     24. neighbour_________________ 10. free___________________     25. journal___________________ 11. read___________________    26. sail_______________________ 12. mother________________      27. achieve___________________ 13. pollute________________   28. employ____________________ 14. sad___________________   29. jealous____________________ 15. agree_________________     30. run ______________________
Basic Noun-Forming Suffixes               

2) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words given in brackets. 1. Newspaper ________________________ (intruder) into private life should be stopped. 2. The thing I hate most about John is his ____________________________ (selfish). 3. Emergency help is needed for _________________________ (survival) of the earthquake. 4. Mary has an ________________________ (appoint) with a client at 11.30. 5. Sarah gave a memorable _____________________ (perform) at last year’s festival. 6. Unfortunately, my neighbour doesn’t even know the basic elements of ____________________ (polite). 7. The ____________________ (suffer) of the refugees during the war were unbearable. 8. Tom’s ________________ (promote) means more money and more ___________________ (responsible). 9. A ______________________ (king) is a country ruled by a king or a queen. 10. Jack used all his powers of ___________________ (persuade) to convince Ann that it was the right thing to do. 11. Warwickshire are the current holders of the cricket ____________________ ( champion). 12. An ___________________ (astronomy) is a_____________ (science) who studies the stars and planets. 13. She’s been writing poems since her _____________________________ (childish). 14. Sally looked away so that Mark wouldn’t see her _____________________ (miserable). 15. Can I tempt you to another __________________ (help) of ice cream? 16. Special ________________________ (arrange) can be made for guests with disabilities. 17. A volcanic ______________________ (erupt) is a breathtaking sight.





1 happiness 2 impression 3 education       4 championship   5 action    6 development


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