WORD FORMATION 2B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 WORD FORMATION 2B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 Life without love is just totally _______________________________.(POINT) 2 The floor is _______________________________, so be careful. (SLIP) 3 I hope my _______________________________ is wrong.(PREDICT) 4 My older brother made all the _______________________________ for us. (PREPARE) 5 My eyes are very _______________________________ to light. (SENSE) 6 I don't think this is an _______________________________ request. (REASON) 7 I couldn't understand the _______________________________ that was just made. (ANNOUNCE) 8 How would _______________________________ people escape in an emergency?(ABILITY) 9 Your arguments are very _______________________________.(PERSUADE) 10 This is by far the best novel that has been _______________________________ this year.(PUBLIC) 11 Tom asked Mary to give a _______________________________ at his school. (SPEAK) 12 He is _______________________________ to better treatment. (TITLE) 13 The custom _______________________________ in China.(ORIGIN) 14 A computer is an absolute _______________________________ now.(NECESSARY) 15 She was not his _______________________________ wife. (LAW) 16 I've not been feeling very well _______________________________. (LATE) 17 How big was your _______________________________?(CONTRIBUTE) 18 You don't need to get all dressed up. It's an _______________________________ event.(FORM) 19 Many countries have problems with _______________________________.(POOR) 20 Her behaviour was _______________________________.(CONTEMPT) 21 Tom _______________________________ needs money. (DESPAIR) 22 We are sorry to inform you that your application has been ________________________.(SUCCEED) 23 She put some money away every month for her _______________________________.(RETIRE) 24 Tom wondered where Mary had spent her _______________________________. (CHILD) 25 If you _______________________________, I'll send you to bed.(BEHAVE) 26 Tom's girlfriend _______________________________ to leave him. (THREAT) 27 He was very _______________________________ about his plans.(SECRET) 28 The majority didn't accept the _______________________________. (PROPOSE) 29 I'm always _______________________________ of men like him.(SUSPECT) 30 Some people write books for money, others for _______________________________.(PLEASE) Sentences from www.tatoeba.org, http://dictionary.cambridge.org, http://www.thefreedictionary.com KEY 1 Life without love is just totally POINTLESS. 2 The floor is SLIPPERY, so be careful. 3 I hope my PREDICTION is wrong. 4 My older brother made all the PREPARATIONS for us. 5 My eyes are very SENSITIVE to light. 6 I don't think this is an UNREASONABLE request. 7 I couldn't understand the ANNOUNCEMENT that was just made. 8 How would DISABLED people escape in an emergency? 9 Your arguments are very PERSUASIVE. 10 This is by far the best novel that has been PUBLISHED this year. 11 Tom asked Mary to give a SPEECH at his school. 12 He is ENTITLED to better treatment. 13 The custom ORIGINATED in China. 14 A computer is an absolute NECESSITY now. 15 She was not his LAWFUL wife. 16 I've not been feeling very well LATELY. 17 How big was your CONTRIBUTION? 18 You don't need to get all dressed up. It's an INFORMAL event. 19 Many countries have problems with POVERTY. 20 Her behaviour was CONTEMPTIBLE. 21 Tom DESPERATELY needs money. 22 We are sorry to inform you that your application has been UNSUCCESSFUL. 23 She put some money away every month for her RETIREMENT. 24 Tom wondered where Mary had spent her CHILDHOOD. 25 If you MISBEHAVE, I'll send you to bed. 26 Tom's girlfriend THREATENED to leave him. 27 He was very SECRETIVE about his plans. 28 The majority didn't accept the PROPOSAL. 29 I'm always SUSPICIOUS of men like him. 30 Some people write books for money, others for PLEASURE.