Town versus Country. A Question. Where would you rather live?. The Advantages of Living in a Small TownСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Town versus Country A Question Some people live in the country, Where the houses are very small, Some people live in the city Where the houses are very tall, But in the country where the houses are small, The gardens are very big, And in the city where the houses are tall, There are no gardens at all. Where would you rather live? (by E. Segal) Ex I Match these statements to each of the two places: a city/town (T) or a place in the country (C). Mark them correspondingly. Какому из указанных мест соответствуют эти предложения: большому городу (Т) или сельской местности (С)? Подберите соответствующие предложения иотметьте их (Т) или (С). 1. Most people know each other. 2. A large place to live. 3. It is crowded. 4. People are more friendly and chatty. 5. There is a public transport system there. 6. There are skyscrapers and high-rise buildings there. 7. It is a small quiet place to live. 8. It is convenient to live in: it offers a lot of services. 9. The air is clean and the scenery is beautiful there. 10. There are lots of places to go out. 11. There are small houses with gardens in this place. 12. There are a lot of different shops there. 13. It offers lots of cultural activity (museums, theatres, cinemas). The Advantages of Living in a Small Town Although for many people living in small towns can be boring, those who settled down (обосноваться) in such towns wouldn't leave it for the world. People leave their small hometowns for various reasons: some people can’t find work. Others want to get a good education. For some young people it seems boring and they move to large cities looking for entertainment (развлечения). But there are things in small towns that can be much more enjoyable and richer than life in large cities. The friendshipsyou make in small towns are truly deep and everlasting. These are not friendships based on social status or bank balance. They are based on the character and nature of the person. Friends are friends in the real sense of the word. They are the people you can rely on in times of need. True, you have friends in large cities too, but often friends don't have time for each other because of the hectic rhythm of life in a large city. Housingis far cheaper in a small town than it is in a large city. The same amount of money can buy you a big, spacious (просторный) place in a small town, while it will buy you a tiny one-bedroom flat in a city. If you would like to open up your own business, it is better to start it in a small town because there is less competition (конкуренция) there. It is easy to establish yourself (упрочить свое положение) in a small town first, and then start expanding to larger cities. Your contacts in a small town will be very helpful. Life in smaller towns thus tends to be less stressful than life in metropolitans. Of course, everyone has to cope with stress, but in general life moves at a slower, more relaxed pace (ритм). This means less health complications and better physical and mental healthin general.
Write out from the text 3–4 key-words for each of the five columns. Выпишите из текста 3–4 ключевых слова для каждой из пяти колонок.